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NotASuicidalRobot t1_j6i1gqg wrote

I meant communism as in the economic theory, i think china has more billionaires than the us at this point. Also, what a party names themselves hardly matters


redeggplant01 t1_j6i1v4o wrote

Communism was a political system built upon an economic theory by Marx -

>i think china has more billionaires than the us

No, the US has over 2300 billionaires ... China has just over 500 billioniares

Source :

As to names .. the claim that you know what is communism and a government communist party does not is laughable


cloudrunner69 t1_j6i2ryu wrote

Can't people own property in China but not the actual land the buildings are built on and aren't there privately owned business in China listed on the stock exchange? Doesn't really sound like communism to me.


Heinrick_Veston t1_j6ibxok wrote

One of the central principles of communism is that there's no private ownership, which of course in China there is. Their system is just capitalism administered by an overreaching, authoritarian government.


redeggplant01 t1_j6idqfz wrote


cloudrunner69 t1_j6igu13 wrote

>individuals can privately own residential houses and apartments on the land (“home ownership”), although not the land on which the buildings are situated.

Did you even read what you linked? That is exactly what I said.

But seriously. Who the fuck even cares. All these political ideologies are nothing but temporary human stupidity now on the precipice of dissolving into the acids of history.


redeggplant01 t1_j6ih4u4 wrote

No its not ... If someone owns the land you are living on then you are a renter .. nothing more


cloudrunner69 t1_j6ihdp5 wrote

Go away.


redeggplant01 t1_j6ihtmq wrote

Sorry if the truth is inconvenient


cloudrunner69 t1_j6iib5s wrote

Fucking hell it is not communism. So just stop already. Even though people don't own the land people do own the buildings. There are property developers in China who make a fortune renting/leasing to the Chinese people. This is not communism.