
Heinrick_Veston t1_j6ohcpu wrote

No offense but you're probably one of the few, at least on this sub. Google (Alphabet if we're being pedantic) is one of the largest companies in the world, for it to be upended by Chat GPT shows just how fast AI technology's accelerating.

Paul Buchheit (Gmail creator) should know better than most about the risk posed to Google, he created AdSense which is their main profit driver.

I guess maybe what you're saying is you don't care if Google themselves go under? Personally, for all their faults I think that'd be a bit of a travesty, they're one of the biggest investors in AI and have some of the best resources to develop it.


Heinrick_Veston t1_j6iiut8 wrote

It doesn't matter who owns it, the fact that it exists and that people can privately purchase and own stock of private companies is completely at odds with the concept of communism.

Under communism there is no ownership of land, factories, companies etc, they all belong to the state. There's no share of ownership to be bought and sold, and therefore, there can be no stock market.


Heinrick_Veston t1_j6ifvol wrote

They CCP can call themselves whatever they like, it doesn't make China a communist country.

As I said in another comment, a central tenant of communism is that there's no private property. That's not the case in China, people own houses, companies, cars, and all the other things you'd expect to see in a capitalist society.

China also has the right to inherit, a central bank, a stock market, domestic and international trade - the list of things which are antithetical to Communism goes on and on.


Heinrick_Veston t1_j63k55z wrote

It's kinda rude to call people delusional, but I'll try to respond in good faith.

Firstly, I'm entirely aware how crazy I must sound when I speak about a post singularity world, it seems so far out and different to what we're used to that it's hard to wrap your head around.

The general concept behind it is that technology will advance at such breakneck, exponential speeds that it'd be impossible for us to predict what's coming next. Imagine dozens of discoveries worthy of Nobel prizes being made every day, then hour, then minute, then second.

This sounds fanciful, but with a self improving AI it's not beyond the realms of possibility. We humans think of ourselves as intelligent, but that's only in relation to other living organisms, there's plenty of space for improvement beyond what we're capable of.

At the moment we have quite narrow AIs, such as those that create the visual art you speak of, but they're still advanced compared to what we had only a short while ago. AI research and progress is moving at a very fast speed, which is partly why you'll find such enthusiasm in this sub at the moment.

If this technology continues to progress as it is, it's not unreasonable to assume that in the coming years we'll have an AI with an intelligence equal to that of a human. If that AI is able to improve upon its own code it'll soon surpass human intelligence, by the nature of exponential growth it wouldn't be long until it surpasses the intelligence of all humans combined.

At that point is it really so crazy to imagine that it could devise ways to solve any of the challenges you've posited? Would Governments even be able to control, or understand it? That's the kind of question we should definitely be asking, as is why there's such a focus on the 'safe' development of AI.

Again, I know how crazy this sounds, but this is a sub about this very concept.


Heinrick_Veston t1_j63fkof wrote

Advanced AI is the road to post scarcity, it's entirely feasible within our lifetimes. Where opinion differs is just how soon it'll be, but many experts have predicted the Singularity occurring in the next 5, 10 or 20 years. Depending on how old you are even the least optimistic predictions will likely play out in your lifetime.