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GeneralZain t1_j6cjw6y wrote

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: humans will never stop being creative. we will always do art, its baked into our species.

with that said, the JOB of artist will go away. no company or average person would pay out the nose for art from a human (unless you are rich), when the synthetic media machine can do it much "better", faster, and for free.

humans will literally be too busy to care about all this though. because its not just art that AI is going for, its all jobs. we are all about to be in the same boat. how do people deal with a post money world? how would you get an artist to make your idea if they don't want to without money? heck if I know...maybe you can't...

I do think it will be hard singularity and I think people will probably be too busy freaking out about the super intelligence talkin to them than whether or not art is still a thing people may do anymore.


Dickenmouf t1_j6ekgrd wrote

Why do people pay for art portraits when they can already take pictures instead? Shoot, clients often give artists pictures to use as reference to make portrait drawings. People can already add graphite drawing filters to their pictures, to imitate the look of a pencil drawing. But why do people still choose artists these days?

The reason as I understand it is because there’s value in having a portrait drawn by an artist. Its singular , flawed and unique, and the technique and skill behind the art gives it value. An AI artist that can imitate that but the end result will be as disposable as a picture taken by an iphone.

So I wonder if the “job” of the artist really will go away. People already don’t buy art for the end result, but the process instead.


visarga t1_j6exxh8 wrote

>we will always do art, its baked into our species.

We will always do what we need to improve our lives, with or without help. It's baked into our species. Amazing lack of confidence in our ability to invent new kinds of work with AI! Or maybe lack of imagination about what these future jobs might be. Or just fear of the unknown.