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AsuhoChinami t1_j30t17t wrote

Thanks for the good response. This thread is honestly triggering for me. I think that 2023 will be a great year for technology and I just want to relax and enjoy myself and have a good, warm year while seeing the world change, but threads like these put me in a state of seething anger and hatred that it's hard to break out from. I have nothing but the purest contempt and animosity for the people here who never, ever post anything but negative shit (actually intellectually honest people whose posts are a fair-minded mixture of positive and negative are a different story and there's many such people I respect).

There's so, so many "realists" and "skeptics" and "cynics" here who are genuinely toxic, stupid people. I don't hate them because they're arbiters of truth who tell it like it is, as these dumb motherfuckers seem to believe. I hate them because their opinions and beliefs are idiotic. I hate them because they rarely seem to employ critical thinking and just make self-evident statements without the first shred of doubt. I hate them because, ever since I first got into futurism in 2011, they have constantly condescended to the other side every single step of the way. I hate them because they constantly engage in strawman arguments. I hate them because they never, ever admit any kind of fault, ever - there's nothing wrong with their demeanor, there's nothing wrong with their approach, there's nothing wrong with a single idea or thought they ever have, and anyone who takes issue with them is just a fucking starry-eyed pussy dumbass that can't stand the cold hard truth. Their stubborn inability to consider other perspectives or viewpoints or admit any kind of fault on anything actually reminds me somewhat of narcissists, but I know they aren't narcs. They're just genuinely stupid people whose brains aren't flexible enough to have any kind of self-insight or self-awareness or create thoughts that are even vaguely, remotely worthwhile.

Going to take a double dose of my Inositol tonight, I think (anti-anxiety powder you mix into water). The dumb fuckers on this sub are making me absolutely livid on a regular basis. There's no shortage of non-optimists whose opinions I respect because they're fair-minded and well-considered, but the 80 IQ dipshits in this thread and elsewhere do not deserve any kind of respect.

Honestly, are there any alternative subs to this one? I get tired of the Self-Proclaimed Realist Posse swarming over every single god damned thread on this sub like a bunch of fucking god damned locusts, then blaming everyone who dislikes them instead of examining their own beliefs and behavior. This place is turning into Futurology 2.0.


PhysicalChange100 t1_j329cxv wrote

God, I felt this comment on such a deep level. I have been interested in futurism since 2018 and the awareness that this hobby gave me are nothing short of pure amazement, But it also gave me headaches from people with near sighted worldviews and their dismissive opinions on emerging technologies.


AsuhoChinami t1_j329tnv wrote

Best redditor, time to Follow you and read your posts whenever you say something in here.


[deleted] t1_j31d4km wrote



AsuhoChinami t1_j31f9s0 wrote

Fairly bad CPTSD is probably the most relevant illness here. I'm on meds and they generally work well; I don't think I need to stay off the internet altogether, but I should probably avoid the sub until the current round of anti-hype backlash dies down, since the "skeptics" and "cynics" are largely swamping every thread as a response to the fact that the sub was so excitable for a while there. I think I overreact to many of the posters on this sub about a dozen times over, but I don't think my basic observations are wrong - many of the skeptics/cynics here are bad at logical analyses, are regularly prone to logical fallacies (I could probably think of several right off-hand), and generally just come across as bad faith posters. I should be more capable of ignoring them than I am, but even if they didn't rattle me sometimes the content of their posts still wouldn't be very intelligent or worthwhile.