
50 results for

throwawaydthrowawayd t1_j3vbipb wrote * **Jacob Cannell** (, lesswrong-author) ----> AGI: ~[2026-32]( * **Richard Sutton** (Deepmind Alberta) ----> AGI: ~[2027-32?]( * **Jim Keller** (Tenstorrent) ----> AGI: ~[2027-32?]( ... Nathan Helm-Burger** (AI alignment researcher; lesswrong-author) ----> AGI: ~[2027-37]( * **Geordie Rose** (D-Wave, Sanctuary AI) ----> AGI: ~[2028]( * **Cathie Wood** (ARKInvest ... Sustensis) ----> AGI: ~[2030]( * **Ross Nordby** (AI researcher; Lesswrong-author) ----> AGI: ~[2030]( * **Ilya Sutskever** (OpenAI) ----> AGI: ~[2030-35?]( * **Hans Moravec** (Carnegie Mellon University


adt t1_j9eh3zp wrote

gonna love Gwern's comment then... []( Original post is interesting for context:


_dekappatated OP t1_j5qsma3 wrote

follow a lot of AI researchers on twitter, occasionally check out [](, try to read some of the research papers, learn about LLMs, transformers, watch some youtube videos to get high level


Submitted by Singularian2501 t3_yrw80z in singularity

model into the future leads to short AI timelines: \~75% chance of AGI by 2032. Lesswrong: []( Why I think strong general AI is coming soon Lesswrong: []( We are VERY


GreenWeasel11 t1_iw3zyht wrote

said. One also sees things like ["Why I think strong general AI is coming soon"]( popping up from time to time (specifically, "I think there is little time left before someone builds


sheerun t1_iwigcnv wrote

Maybe smartheads from []( and corporate/academia AI/machine learning researchers. Not that worrying is not justified, very very justified. Controlling GAI is not possible directly indefinitely, we need another GAI, so recursive problem


Singularian2501 OP t1_iwq1iph wrote A lesswrong article I have found that explains how efficient zero works. In my opinion the author wants to say that systems like efficient zero are more efficient in their data usage


iiioiia t1_j1j787j wrote

flawed this thinking is (replace GroupX with "The Jews", "The Blacks", etc and observe how [cognition]( immediately changes, *if it does not terminate in response*), but they typically do not work


Baturinsky OP t1_j3hmxy6 wrote

ChatGPT may be not on the level of AGI yet (even though some think it is - []( But the preogress of AI training does not show signs of slowing down, and there


icedrift t1_j535agx wrote

most up to date that I could find. EDIT: Found this from last year []( Looks like predictions haven't changed all that much, but there's still a wide range. Nobody really


blueSGL OP t1_j53btzc wrote

find this section of an interview with Ajeya Cotra (of [biological anchors for forecasting AI timelines]( fame) Starts at 29.14 Where she talks about how several benchmarks were past


dancingnightly t1_j7s355b wrote

semantic text embeddings and LM models through this method(would operate differently to multi modal embeddings): []( This method, which is only practical for toy problems really right now, would allow


leventov t1_j7ubimw wrote

thinking about cognitive science. [Theories of cognitive science and ML/DL form an "abstraction-grounding" stack]( general theories of cognition (intelligence, agency) -> general theories of DNN working in runtime -> interpretability theories


gaudiocomplex t1_j9czm28 wrote I recommend going there instead of listening to idiots here. Here's a [fun one]( Favorite part: >"The concrete example I usually use here is nanotech, because there's been


Baturinsky t1_j9pe2tg wrote

with Alignment issue could be a good early step on the way to ASI research. This []( could be a good introduction, imho


gwern t1_j9qwz8z wrote

Reply to comment by Hodoss in And Yet It Understands by calbhollo

some of the unacceptable predictions happened to survive by fooling the imperfect censor model':


blueSGL t1_j9rf2n4 wrote

find this section of an interview with Ajeya Cotra (of [biological anchors for forecasting AI timelines]( fame) Starts at 29.14 Where she talks about how several benchmarks were past


VirtualHat t1_jaa4jwx wrote

increasing]( [number]( [of]( [academics]( are identifying significant potential risks associated with future developments in AI. Because regulatory frameworks take time to develop


danysdragons OP t1_jdd2hcv wrote

author, I'm just maintaining the original article title for the post title. Also published at [](


Zermelane t1_iracd7y wrote

lets us get around the current problem of [paucity of training data for code models](