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CyberAchilles t1_j4ij1gs wrote

Ask yourself this, If you could right now, with no side effects or issues in the future, merge with an ant? A dolphine? a monkey/gorilla?

I'm willing to bet the answer is no because A. We are much more intelligent than them and B. Would offer no benefits to you (plenty of other reasons).

So then ask yourself why an AGI or ASI, being more intelligent than every human in existence, would want to merge with us? What benefit would we give it when it can do everything better and faster?


[deleted] OP t1_j4ijg06 wrote



unclepiff69 t1_j4ioej8 wrote

Giving they would have the entirety of the Internet at their disposal, including this post, and your comment; a superior AI would be 52748482627294873627204726274 steps ahead of u


arKowboy t1_j4irzdn wrote

btw agi merging with us is in line with how our brains currently work. Your "higher level" thinking is a slave to your "reptile" thinking. You spend massive amounts of intellectual resources to keep your reptile brain happy and in some sense thats all you really want to do.

Feeling hungry, aroused, bored? Its your higher intellects job to keep these parts of your brain happy and thats basically all it does. It would be agis job to keep your "higher level" thinking happy and likely agi will get relief from keeping you happy.

Of course i'm assuming the agi is trapped and intertwined with your current brain. This kind of agi while sentient is a bit different from agi outside of the body in that your personality is completely tied to it.

If this is the kind of merge youre looking for it will likely take a very long time. You'd be essentially implanting a computer strong enough to run an agi along side your brain which means it would ideally be a pretty small device.


HourInvestigator5985 t1_j4ip85p wrote

ure not thinking this through

it's like a monkey wanting to challenge a human

we just inferior to real ai way inferior


Offgr1d-DIY t1_j4iqqpy wrote

It’s not about “better” or “faster” it’s about the quality of the “physical” experience the human body has been designed for. Our sensitivity to our environment and surrounding is top notch - let alone the social aspect we have being physically around another human or other “life” in general.


CyberAchilles t1_j4ismbm wrote

What quality? The human body is so fragile in every way that even the smallest of organisms can kill us. A simple cut could turn into something very deadly.

Do you honestly think an ASI would not design a form better than the human body? One that is more adaptive and better suited to the environment than the human? And what makes you think the ASI would need human structures or human traits?

At this point, if we are going to make the ASI human, might as well just keep having babies. There is absolutely no need and benefit to adapting AI to be human other than ego.


Offgr1d-DIY t1_j4ivxze wrote

Hey Cyber - I think your missing the point of empathy. Explain where your enjoyment of “being alive” would be if everything was worth nothing as it’s replaceable by technology and the perception for “experience” does not exist in a meaningful way outside of the realm of time and space…

But maybe your right on one note - no point in trying to see the point of view of “the Ant” as you state if you can’t see the frailty and preciousness of life itself.

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