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GodOfThunder101 t1_j6isf3u wrote

You won’t be obsolete for the next 20 years. Don’t let these theories ruin your life. Take college seriously.

I’m a mechanical engineering student and can say that engineers will be around for a long time.


natepriv22 t1_j6iy7z6 wrote

Famous last words...

I would suggest not giving estimates of times, as they are likely false considering the exponential nature of AI and disruptive development.

A breakthrough is considered impossible right up until the day it happens.

Remember how sure artists were of the industry.


GodOfThunder101 t1_j6izgll wrote

Making a career now is better than doing nothing and waiting for some machine to do it for you. AGI could happen in 10 years or 100 years. It is not wise to live life thinking AGI will do everything for us, because right now it’s still fantasy and experts can be wrong.

So I don’t understand your point, do you think OP should not go to college and not try at all?


natepriv22 t1_j6jb8rn wrote

Absolutely not! Of course doing nothing and waiting around would be def defeatist, and probably the worst idea here.

But it's a good idea to start preparing and doing research. Game out future scenarios, so that you can better anticipate or at least adapt to change when it happens.

Best not to specialize or become an expert in just one field or industry. The chance of it becoming automated is very high. If someone specializes and gain knowledge and experience in many fields they will be more adaptable and ready for change. Learn always!


rixtil41 t1_j6k68k5 wrote

I think op should go to college for a better knowledge, not for better pay. It should be knowledge focused not money.


MrCensoredFace OP t1_j6kvduy wrote

I do have an interest in welding tho. The problem is is that mom dad want me to have nice white collar job...


[deleted] t1_j6iyh8v wrote



[deleted] t1_j6j9plx wrote



natepriv22 t1_j6jbyvm wrote

Yeah and it also specifically states that: as computation has increased, AI systems have become more powerful too.

Exponential development is the norm not linear growth.

The universe's is exponential. The development of life on earth is exponential. The development of technology is exponential.


civilrunner t1_j6j916u wrote

It also doesn't even matter when automation happens. I'm a practicing mechanical design engineer. I fully expect one day my work will be automated and before that highly augmented, but by the time my work isn't needed we'll have so much societal wealth and productivity that UBI and such will be easily affordable and generous.

The only thing that matters is that your job isn't one of the first to be fully automated (not just augmented) before the major wave of automation occurs and if it is that you can transfer to another. As long as your job is automated with the major wave of automation then you'll be fine since society will adapt to it and we'll have the resources to easily do so.