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erkjhnsn t1_j6kccrk wrote

I disagree. Any service based business or labour jobs will be required for a very long time.

Our AI technology will rocket forward, but a full takeover of the workforce is limited by our advancements in robotics, which is limited by many factors, mostly energy requirements and batteries. Even if we do have sufficient tech to have robots take some of these jobs, humans will be much cheaper.

I think this sub forgets that service-based and labour jobs are >50% of the workforce because most people here (and on reddit in general) have desk jobs, often in tech.

What kind of technology would you need to replace a plumber to come to your house? What about a gardener? Or a furnace repair technician? Each would require entirely different sets of tools and hardware even if they are fucking genius, sentient AI. I think we are still very far away from that.


neneksihira t1_j6le1zf wrote

Exactly, interpersonal relationship-based work and jobs involving a variety of physical tasks will be hardest to automate as robotics is a long way behind computing right now.