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blueSGL t1_j3ir8t3 wrote

read the paper, it's not that it performs better, it's that abilities that are as good as random suddenly hit a phase change and become measurably better.

you were initially saying

> only answer prompts with solutions it’s already seen before.

Lets look at an example that makes things crystal clear.

Image generators by combining concepts can come up with brand new images. Does it have to have seen dogs before in order to place one in the image? yes. does it need to have seen one that looks identical to the final dog. e.g. could you crop the image and reverse image search it and get a match. No.

The same is true with poems, summations, code, etc... it's finding patterns and creating outputs that match the requested pattern so to get back to the point of coding it could very well output code it's never seen before by ingesting enough to understand syntax.

It's seen dogs before. it outputs similar but unique dogs. It's seen code before. It outputs similar but unique code.


KSRandom195 t1_j3iw5xq wrote

That’s not generating new knowledge.

You’re not going to use this to generate new solutions in software that don’t already exist.


blueSGL t1_j3iwwp2 wrote

There's lots of things I've coded in software that have not existed before and are merely recombining structures that already exist to tackle new problems. It's why programing languages exist.

That is a 'new solution' to me. What do you mean when you say it?


KSRandom195 t1_j3ix850 wrote

New to you, not new to the industry.


blueSGL t1_j3izpcc wrote

again what do you mean by that, people code new software every day.

You can ask for poems that don't exist, essays that don't exist.

All these things have had their structure extracted understood then followed to create new items.

Asking for code is the same.

>Will ChatGPT be able to write better code than any human within the next year?

A good coder needs to eat and sleep and take time to understand new technology has a limited scope in the programming languages known, has good days and bad days, has 'blocks' and is a single unit able to process problems serially at human level speed.