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platinumgus18 t1_j7ylxdw wrote

Just wondering, do companies like SpaceX and blue origin get confidential data and knowledge and technology transfers from NASA for these things so that they can catch up quickly and work on the next ground breaking thing? I mean how can companies just created 10-15 years ago gain so much groundwork within few years and becoming top players in the field? Considering NASA or roscosmos took decades.


Ok-Fox966 t1_j7yrrja wrote

Because they’re private companies, not having to deal with all the government bs really speeds things up. People with money really like making more money


LordBrandon t1_j80zak8 wrote

Don't forget they hire from a pool of engineers that already work in the most advanced aerospace industry in the world.


ssinff t1_j84ze05 wrote

They have the benefit of all the knowledge gained from 8 decades of public funding of the space program. Easy to get off the ground when someone else has done most of the work.


platinumgus18 t1_j85czdf wrote

I presume most of this knowledge won't just be in public domain considering how strategic space is and how several unfriendly countries can use it for other purposes


ssinff t1_j88lhib wrote

Not necessarily. Historically, a ploy it government funded research originated in academia where "pure" research is available in the public domain. If course research with specific applications may exist behind a classification system, but our knowledge of space travel drives from the years and years of publicly funded research.


platinumgus18 t1_j8a02kn wrote

Interesting, so this can also be misused by other governments then right


AreEUHappyNow t1_j7yxfd1 wrote

There's lots of publicly accessible information on the subject, SpaceX in particularly has also paid Russia for access to Soviet rocketry, and most importantly they hire personnel from existing rocket programs who are experienced in their field.


Disastrous_Elk_6375 t1_j809rd6 wrote

> SpaceX in particularly has also paid Russia for access to Soviet rocketry,

They what now?


platinumgus18 t1_j804us8 wrote

Interesting. I have always thought rocketry is considered rather strategic, so I am surprised private companies could just willy nilly get access. Maybe I was wrong. I am just surprised countries like those in the middle east didn't pay their way into space exploration considering their vanity.