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MobiusMule t1_j9tbhvc wrote

This image illustrates it nicely.


OhioVsEverything t1_j9teiwl wrote

Is the blue dot just earth or the 200 light years or is the box 200 light years?


mobyhead1 t1_j9tfejb wrote

There is a caption, with an arrow pointing at the blue dot that reads “200 light years in diameter.”

The Earth is only about 8,000 miles in diameter.

The arrow isn’t pointing at the box.

Therefore the blue dot is a volume of space 200 light-years in diameter.


Soulphite t1_j9tfnta wrote

The Earth is invisible in this photo. Blue dot is illustrating 200 ly. Diameter.

Edit: to further blow your mind and put it in perspective it would take you 200 years to go from one edge of that blue dot to the other traveling at a constant speed of almost 300 million meters per second (186,000 miles/second).


coffeestrainer000 t1_j9tf0ib wrote

…Do you think the Galaxy is only like 1000ly wide?…


OhioVsEverything t1_j9tg45i wrote

I have no idea. But thanks for talking down to me and feeling foolish for asking a legitimate question I had and trying to advance my own knowledge.

Have a good day.


Soulphite t1_j9ti4pe wrote

Please don't stop learning nor asking questions. Space is fascinating and even physicist ask questions. Question everything! Godspeed, my friend.


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j9tihbk wrote

He’s a troll with a weeks old account. General rule of thumb on Reddit- check the profile and anything under 3/4 months old is probably a troll, whose life is so pathetic that they spend their days trying to annoy/anger strangers on the internet.