
TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_jdglfz0 wrote

Dude, your the one who created a Reddit account and spend every second spewing pro CCP propaganda, with a username that tries to make you look like an American so people will think you are an American talking BAD about the US. I come on here and discuss a ton of things. Sometimes I’m critical of my government (which you can’t be in China), and I also give my government credit for the many things they deserve.

As for collapsing empires. 1) we don’t have an empire, we have a country. It’s pretty telling that you still look at things on terms of “empires”, because your country wants so much to be one, which is disgusting. 2) your country has hundreds of billions of dollars that have evaporated when you overextended the construction sector, then the economy slowed and demand for new construction dried up. Your biggest(maybe second biggest) sector is hemorrhaging money with literal zero return, as large swaths of buildings lay half finished, unoccupied and worthless.

The funny thing is that I spend a decent amount of time in China, and have also travelled there for leisure (learned mandarin in HS and college), and the wonderful people I have met there are almost all down to earth and realistic about their shitty government. It’s only online that I find you totally brainwashed nutters. I mean, think about it- you spend hours a day shilling for Winnie the Pooh. What’s that say about your life?


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_jde5xx4 wrote

What a ridiculous comparison. If a person who murdered their last 10 neighbors moves in next door, you have a reasonable fear that they will murder you and if you have an ounce of logical, you will take precautions against that happening. If a random person, who has never murdered someone, moves in, it would be silly to fear being murdered by them.

You are saying that the person with the neighbor murderer next door is as unreasonable as the person who is paranoid for no reason.


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j8vflok wrote

They are from two different diffraction effects. The shorter “rays” are from the secondary mirror in front of the main mirror, the longer ones are from the hexagonal shaped mirrors. Both produce what look like six point “stars”, but since four of the effects of each mirror are at the same angles, they overlap, making the eight point “star”


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j6v37fs wrote

When I went to college, I thought it was so ridiculous that we assumed life had to be carbon based. I majored in biochem and quickly learned why carbon is almost certainly the only base for complex life, and while it kind of made me sad, it was incredibly cool to think about different ways carbon could create complex life forms.


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j2ux934 wrote

Few points: 1) The DoD didn’t lose money, they are not a company. They spend allocated money on defense. 2) what do you mean “they just lost $2T”? Their entire budget is 1/3 of that, so unless you mean “just” as in the last 3 years, and unless you count spending their budget as “losing” money, this makes no sense.


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j22634o wrote

Yeah, you are trolling with your months old account. Glad you admitted it. How pathetic must your life be to be an internet troll? Must be so sad, lonely and pathetic. But good for you for not offing yourself! I’m sure most people as sad and pathetic as you just take a long walk off a short pier, but you found Reddit trolling to barely keep you going, so good for you and hang in there buddy!