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Most_Work_3313 t1_j71lbar wrote

Why is there a photo of steam coming from a chimney?


CantThinkOfOneUs t1_j71lull wrote

Because cooling towers look scary, great for my web article which is designed to be shared by people who don't read more than one sentence in!


draculamilktoast t1_j73av9k wrote

I have the perfect solution for such people and it is to write everything in a single extraordinarily long sentence that just doesn't stop when normally you might think some punctuation would make sense but it just keeps on going like the world is about to end in an instant because sometimes all you get is a single thought that contains so many ideas in it that splitting it into more than a single sentence or paragraph would feel unnatural but writing it all out in one giant single mental breath makes sense and as you do that your reader is bound to have a mental collapse of proportions that are enough to make them question reality in a way that ensures they either have to ignore what you say or accept it as their new reality and that is what happens with sentences that just never end as it feels you must be running out of air internally but you don't do that as the human brain is capable of incredible feats of self-deception if motivated properly


a_filing_cabinet t1_j73d5pn wrote

Wow. That is so much worse than a normal paragraph. Incredible effort, I am never reading that


InformationHorder t1_j71lv72 wrote

I was just about to say, what a hideously disingenuous thumbnail picture. Thats fucking water steam and nothing more.


dern_the_hermit t1_j73otxe wrote

That's apparently Lethabo Power Station:

> Lethabo Power Station in the Free State, South Africa, is a large coal fired power station owned and operated by Eskom.

Bolding mine.


corythegreatdeesnuts t1_j741j9k wrote

Just water steam coming out from the power plant using the lowest grade coal in the world, constantly polluting the air to 15x the legal limit. Super disingenuous, right?


InformationHorder t1_j7479g3 wrote

Because that looks like literally every other nuke power plant which only produce water steam.


10ebbor10 t1_j77x7h2 wrote

Usually the nuke plants don't have a big pile of coal on the side.


AbbydonX OP t1_j71ltpq wrote

The media seems to like using photos of cooling towers rather than smoke stacks on articles about emissions and pollution. I guess it’s more dramatic though it would be much easier to measure CO2 emissions if it was that obvious.


YpsilonY t1_j71z9yb wrote

Because most power plants have them and big as they are, they usually dominated the picture. The power plant in the picture is in fact a coal power plant in South Africa.


Baige_baguette t1_j725qba wrote

Because that appears to actually be a coal fired power station? Yes I know the cooling towers are producing steam but there look to be at least two other towers which most likely are not.


a_filing_cabinet t1_j73e2yq wrote

Nuclear plants have other towers as well. Hell, the one near my house doesn't even have cooling towers, just a couple thin ones


oregon_assassin t1_j73xsgz wrote

The coal fire plant I worked at in Oregon only had visible smoke come from the stack on start up where they used diesel to get the furnace going.