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MSY2HSV t1_j79oe8y wrote

Reply to comment by 7sv3n7 in Serious question by Unable_Region7300

Source? I’ll genuinely consider any legitimate source you provide, but without a source to consider I’m going to presume, as a scientist, that it’s just nut jobs trying to make noise for attention. From every bit of scientific evidence that I, a scientist, have seen, there’s nothing from the James Webb scope that disputes the Big Bang.


7sv3n7 t1_j7a2jzd wrote

Ive seen articles from my feed saying that there is more doubt than before, I def am not making it up or claiming that ive come to this decision based on info from it, just regurgitating what ive read.

Also agree with u it more than likely is just click bait so guess I shouldn't have said anything. Hate the downvotes just for saying something I read, not wrote