MSY2HSV t1_j79oe8y wrote

Reply to comment by 7sv3n7 in Serious question by Unable_Region7300

Source? I’ll genuinely consider any legitimate source you provide, but without a source to consider I’m going to presume, as a scientist, that it’s just nut jobs trying to make noise for attention. From every bit of scientific evidence that I, a scientist, have seen, there’s nothing from the James Webb scope that disputes the Big Bang.


MSY2HSV t1_j6n12dk wrote

The rule of thumb in space travel is that sending a human costs 1000 times as much as sending an unmanned craft for the same mission. Add on to that the fact that going to Mars would be an INCREDIBLY stressful mission for a human taking a very long time to get there, would require tech we don’t have yet (but is being developed), and would be incredibly risky too. It will happen at some point, no doubt about it. But man we are not there yet.