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stuck_on_the_vine t1_j9i30db wrote

Become a janitor.

Start solving math puzzles in the hallways.



joyofsovietcooking t1_j9ic0ep wrote

This is the plot of Gattaca.


bkupron t1_j9ihc78 wrote

It's the plot of Good Will Hunting. Gattaca involved assuming someone's identity and lying to get on a rocket. The janitor was a way to scope out the building in Gattaca and included zero unsolvable hallway puzzles.


CptHammer_ t1_j9jlowa wrote

I always said Gattaca would have been a better movie if it had a few hallway puzzles.

The Labyrinth was probably the peak hallway puzzle movie. It was nice that Good Will Hunting gave it a nod.