You've got Betelgeuse (Orion - Giant's shoulder) standing out above the belt and clockwise around and it you have Bellatrix, Rigel and Saiph.
(!) At some point in the next 100,000 years Betelgeuse will explode. To life on Earth it will be visible during the day and as bright as a half moon for about a year until it slowly fades out of the sky. 🤷
I think you've got Sirius bottom left between the trees and Aldebaran top right too.
stuck_on_the_vine t1_ja2invn wrote
Reply to This is my favorite picture ever taken on my phone! I just wanted to test how good the picture would be if I used iPhone Night Mode! by RoskmosReddit
Nice photo 🤙
You've got Betelgeuse (Orion - Giant's shoulder) standing out above the belt and clockwise around and it you have Bellatrix, Rigel and Saiph.
(!) At some point in the next 100,000 years Betelgeuse will explode. To life on Earth it will be visible during the day and as bright as a half moon for about a year until it slowly fades out of the sky. 🤷
I think you've got Sirius bottom left between the trees and Aldebaran top right too.