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OudeStok t1_j8xkhr1 wrote

Using balloons is an excellent way to hurt your rivals/enemies. It costs them far more to destroy a surveillance balloon that it does to build one and fly it over their territory.


gumol t1_j8xkym4 wrote

meh, it's not like the US had to purchase the missile specifically for this shootdown.

It was basically just a big training exercise for the US military.


charaznable1249 t1_j8ygpzq wrote

If this becomes a more commonplace thing, I wonder if a high power laser would be the move as far as cost effectiveness. Or just for my sheer entertainment 🔫


AlexHanson007 t1_j8xroua wrote

You don't think they buy replacements once they've been used?

Edit: imagine being so upset by a basic question that you feel you have to downvote it. Some people are weird.


gumol t1_j8xru9z wrote

they also buy replacements if they haven’t been used

missiles don’t last forever

US military buys 600 Sidewinders a year


gerkletoss t1_j8xytc9 wrote

This is now a live-fire exercise the pilot doesn't need


Tjam3s t1_j8xugq7 wrote

What would that balloon have learned that wasn't already on Google earth and publicly available GPS data?


gerkletoss t1_j8xyygt wrote

A good anount of RF traffic


TjW0569 t1_j8z9x2h wrote

Still, if you were a Chinese intelligence officer that was aware that the U.S. military had been shadowing your receiver during its overflight, how much would you trust the information you were allowed to acquire?


gerkletoss t1_j8zc3t1 wrote

Not a ton, but apparently these have gone unnoticed before.


TjW0569 t1_j8zcifj wrote

Or at any rate that's what we'd like them to think.


thulesgold t1_j8zffoa wrote

You know... the balloon could have two way radio. It could have sent data out as well... even to simple things like cell phone towers.


Tjam3s t1_j905qle wrote

Very true. I suppose we'll probably never know the full truth of it


OudeStok t1_j95gusl wrote

nothing - but it costs the US a lot of money to shoot it down!