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t1_jd5onoi wrote

What are you even talking about? Turning an asteroid into a ship? What? You need to chill out with the science fiction.


t1_jd5osmc wrote

Lmao, haven’t we landed a probe on an asteroid before?


t1_jd5qt2s wrote

We have, but you're talking about interstellar (as in between the stars, or solar system to solar system) travel. The majority of the asteroids we have access to are locked up in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. We occasionally see comets, but they're not stable enough to sustain is, and then we have the forementioned need to get going at least as far as it is.

Something like ʻOumuamua, the "interstellar" object that moved through our solar system a few years back would be more on track with what you're thinking of. But that doesn't mean we could catch it. ʻOumuamua was 'tumbling' , as in it didn't have a fixed axis we could really locate to even think about trying to run up alongside it.


t1_jd5r9xl wrote

Bennu was going 67,000km/h

Oum is something like 20,000km/h faster.

We can’t do it yet.



t1_jd5rl4k wrote

Well, I'll just live out the rest of my life over here while you're waiting for another interstellar object to pass by our planet, in our lifetime.


t1_jd5ou5b wrote

Wait, are you talking to me through your handheld computer? Please, the science fiction.


t1_jd6a1dm wrote

….That’s your reply? I get you’re a kid, but a smartphone and making a spaceship out of a freaking asteroid could not be further apart.