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TheCriticalAmerican t1_jdfable wrote

So, the way you justify your own perspective is to dismiss everything I say on the grounds that 'This person who thinks differently than me clearly couldn't be an American because it's impossible for any American to think like that!'

Talk about being brainwashed.... The idea that you refuse to entertain the idea that Americans could see evil in their own government and refuse to support its actions speaks more to your propagandized and brainwashed ideology rooted in imperialist hegemony than anything moral or grandiose.

Anyways.... Enjoy your collapsing empire, bank failures, and inflation. I'll continue to live in the happiest country in the world. Cheers, mate!


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_jdglfz0 wrote

Dude, your the one who created a Reddit account and spend every second spewing pro CCP propaganda, with a username that tries to make you look like an American so people will think you are an American talking BAD about the US. I come on here and discuss a ton of things. Sometimes I’m critical of my government (which you can’t be in China), and I also give my government credit for the many things they deserve.

As for collapsing empires. 1) we don’t have an empire, we have a country. It’s pretty telling that you still look at things on terms of “empires”, because your country wants so much to be one, which is disgusting. 2) your country has hundreds of billions of dollars that have evaporated when you overextended the construction sector, then the economy slowed and demand for new construction dried up. Your biggest(maybe second biggest) sector is hemorrhaging money with literal zero return, as large swaths of buildings lay half finished, unoccupied and worthless.

The funny thing is that I spend a decent amount of time in China, and have also travelled there for leisure (learned mandarin in HS and college), and the wonderful people I have met there are almost all down to earth and realistic about their shitty government. It’s only online that I find you totally brainwashed nutters. I mean, think about it- you spend hours a day shilling for Winnie the Pooh. What’s that say about your life?
