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crappyITkid t1_it8ynnz wrote

I think you're really over complicating evolution and life to a degree that breaches into the realm of fantasy. Alien life is constrained by the exact some rules of physics as we are. I don't think there's any reason (yet) to believe life as we've observed it on planet Earth is not a common phenomena in the cosmos.


RedditMods_R_Nazis t1_it9pljc wrote

The evolution of life on Earth is/was dependent on the evolution of the Earth itself. We know several global extinction events have happened in Earth’s past. These events are all unique to Earth and the life that was on Earth at the times of those events evolved uniquely because of those events. Also, just because physics seems to have rules, most of which we don’t really understand fully, doesn’t necessarily mean those same physics apply to all areas of the universe. We assume physics is the same everywhere but we don’t really know for sure. Life may be very common but to think it’s similar to the life that evolved on Earth isn’t a fair comparison or assumption. We don’t really know.


socialkaosx t1_it90u1o wrote

: D yes? so prove it

because quantum physics seems to contradict the fact that our world exists at all in a physical sense


ZylonBane t1_it9y7j9 wrote

Ooh, tell us about how bumblebees can't fly.