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Peanlocket t1_it7q9pb wrote

We all know it's going to be a race to create rule 34 content.


9998000 t1_it84cy5 wrote

No animation. Fluid transfer is my kink.


Ragnarok314159 t1_itbkf1v wrote

My entire fluid dynamics class was one massive double entendres.


CaraDune01 t1_it7wyyg wrote

Aliens probably lock their doors and fly past Earth as fast as possible anyway.


trivialgroup t1_it8kltt wrote

No, they’ll probably bring us a bunch of old cars. Why? Because they’ll have detected our civilization through our radio transmissions. So they’ll know they can donate their old car to support their favorite public radio station


Enterovirus71 t1_it7v12i wrote

Not sure scientists have much of a say on the matter. Politicians will take over if we ever make contact.


disse_ t1_it83eeg wrote

Eventually they will send that one super specialized scientist who is on a low point of life battling with deep traumas and who will discover a way to communicate them after the odd, out of place random person says something somewhat smart in a totally random comment.


Odd-Educator-4124 t1_it84y45 wrote

This might be the one situation under which our most talented and intelligent members of science get to become politicians then. Even the most cynical voter might want to make humanity look a little less trailer trash and elect someone who could actually discuss technology, health, and safety with intergalactic travelers.


socialkaosx t1_it81myf wrote

It is very ...human to assume that we will ever be able to notice and understand "aliens".

We have many examples on earth of what the ladder of life looks like, how diametrically different the development of the nervous system is.


TheJoliestEgg t1_it83q30 wrote

Exactly. That reminds me of a good quote I love: “The universe is not only stranger than you suppose, it is stranger than you can suppose.”


socialkaosx t1_it84u3z wrote

In my opinion, we can live with aliens all the time without realising it.


CockEyedBandit t1_it95ft6 wrote

My belief is that Darwin reigns supreme. I think aliens will not be so crazy that our head explodes but something we can imagine. They will have eyes and ears and a way to eat. The stuff that will be crazy is the beings that are past natural evolution and have started with genetic engineering and non-organic life/body parts.


TheJoliestEgg t1_it9hddx wrote

That is certainly a perspective, and I’m sympathetic to it. But I hope you’re wrong and that the universe is wackier than what our current understanding allows.


PeacefulGarlic t1_it9vd9q wrote

A floating species that communicates in long noises that to humans sounds like arse cheek flapping farts that can last for fifty seconds at a time.


Instameat t1_ita34q1 wrote

But would they be floating here? Or is it that being here is what makes them float?


crappyITkid t1_it8ks52 wrote

But then you see headlines of 7 different species evolving to basically become a crab. Makes you wonder how often species could convergently evolve into a form similar to ours.


socialkaosx t1_it8obmz wrote

I think you don't quite understand what I'm writing about. Imagine the ladder of evolution, from unicellular to human.

Now extend the ladder three times.

It is beyond the reach of human brains.
Probably this will be the case with consciousness, physics, quantum physics or ai or a thousand other things.

Our heads will not be able to understand it, just as a spider will never understand a children's colouring book ; )


crappyITkid t1_it8ynnz wrote

I think you're really over complicating evolution and life to a degree that breaches into the realm of fantasy. Alien life is constrained by the exact some rules of physics as we are. I don't think there's any reason (yet) to believe life as we've observed it on planet Earth is not a common phenomena in the cosmos.


RedditMods_R_Nazis t1_it9pljc wrote

The evolution of life on Earth is/was dependent on the evolution of the Earth itself. We know several global extinction events have happened in Earth’s past. These events are all unique to Earth and the life that was on Earth at the times of those events evolved uniquely because of those events. Also, just because physics seems to have rules, most of which we don’t really understand fully, doesn’t necessarily mean those same physics apply to all areas of the universe. We assume physics is the same everywhere but we don’t really know for sure. Life may be very common but to think it’s similar to the life that evolved on Earth isn’t a fair comparison or assumption. We don’t really know.


socialkaosx t1_it90u1o wrote

: D yes? so prove it

because quantum physics seems to contradict the fact that our world exists at all in a physical sense


ZylonBane t1_it9y7j9 wrote

Ooh, tell us about how bumblebees can't fly.


Ragnarok314159 t1_itbkuos wrote

You are looking at this in the wrong perspective.

It would be more like taking someone from 300 years ago into the future vs 3000 to 30,000 years ago. A person from 300 years ago would be mystified by what we have, but if they are slightly educated will accept the wonders of modern society.

A person from 3000 years could be communicated with on some level, but have little understanding. This world would not be theirs.

30,000 years, it would be next to impossible, but they could learn.

A spider cannot conceptualize our world because it has no need. Aliens would land and do alien things, and because we have a basic understanding of the greater principles of the world could get that space ship fly. You might be of the level of the spider, but others are not.


socialkaosx t1_itbsgcd wrote

A simple example - maybe any observed or not (dark energy) cosmic phenomenon are your aliens? How do you verify this? Like someone here wrote that "it's not a crab" or "it doesn't have an eye" ? : )


socialkaosx t1_itbrk3n wrote

Why do you continue to assume that you will be able to understand "aliens" with your mind?
If they live in a different time in a different dimension, perhaps they live at a different speed or scale so in your short life you won't even be able to see it.

You have such a very Christian approach. You think everything is just like you.
This is bloody naive.


tobojijo t1_itaq9fs wrote

The eye has evolved separately at least 3 times on earth


Xkloid t1_it7vwr6 wrote

I thought if they make it here that they would be so advanced that we would be like gerbils to them, so they would probably just cook us for a snack.


Ivedefected t1_it80zmf wrote

Note to self - Do not leave gerbils near u/Xkloid


Xkloid t1_it82yyd wrote

🤣 Nothing like a good movie, a large soda, and some salted gerbils!


theunscaledbanana t1_it8k75s wrote

Gerbils are best drowned in Cognac and roasted like Ortolan. No need for the head coverings though - and unlike Ortolan not illegal.


augustro t1_it8i1ln wrote

I guess it depends if they’ve found life elsewhere on their interstellar travels. Chances are, if we are the only other beings they’ve encountered, they will be quite excited.

What that excitement manifests itself as is anyone’s guess.

Alternatively, we could just be the trillionth species of bugs on an inconsequential rock.


BreastMilkPopsicles t1_it8hegp wrote

They don't have to be incredibly advanced in all areas to send a probe here.

We're not far from being able to reach 20-30% of the speed of light with light sails and laser arrays. Say they are 100 years ahead of us in that tech and have figured out how to get to 50% with the ability to slow down before they reach their destination.

If they're in our neighborhood, they could reach us (with a probe) in a human generation or two while not being miles ahead of us technologically.


Xkloid t1_it8oqit wrote

Good, I don't think I would go well with alien ranch or humus dip.


goneinsane6 t1_it9zxzh wrote

I feel like food from another planet would induce allergy in many people, and perhaps almost all of their lifeforms produce something that is normal to them but extremely toxic to earth life.


FluffyGarbage23 t1_it9ddik wrote

Well, as much as going light-speed would revolutionize space travel, its not "fast enough".

For reference, the closest galaxy is 25,000 light years away, which would take 25,000 years to go to (or come to us) at the speed of light. Assuming of course theres no one except us in the Milky Way, and that there is someone in that galaxy. If someone is even "only" 1 light year away, it would take 1 year to send/recieve a message. Unless they send a spaceship to directly communicate with us that is.


OldBob10 t1_it8plfv wrote

Yeah - if aliens show up I figure we’re creamed chipped beef on toast. Party like it’s 1999!


MasqureMan t1_it7wljw wrote

you don't have to game it out. just replace "aliens" with "covid". there ya go, you got your response


bunnnythor t1_it81hb3 wrote

I’m not sure people ever tried to have sex with Covid.


L0nely_L0ner t1_it84pvh wrote

No intelligent life would ever want to make contact with us.


jug_23 t1_it8v82l wrote

Let’s be honest… the people in charge won’t be listening to the scientists. Interesting thought experiment however.


saiyaniam t1_it7uvv4 wrote

I think it's pretty obvious, 90% of people will go on as normal as unless Aliens are having a negitive impact on our every day life, there is literally nothing else to do.

Most people suffer so much in their lives that we're blunt to ridiculous nonsense and even alien life. We are so fucked by the realitys of life that it really doesn't matter at this point. Alien contact isn't going to bring back my loved ones, it's not going to change anyones ideas about god, thats far beyond life itself. It'll be a massive story for a year and we'll all just fade to gray as it's always been.


ThreeDog1 t1_it8771g wrote

I guess it depends on which kind of aliens they turn out to be. Its one thing to have aliens come down from the sky in their space ships, but that's say for example they are inter-dimensional, that's going to cause a lot of paranoia when people realize they aren't "safe" inside their own homes. People will be jumping at shadows, feel like they are being watched.


saiyaniam t1_it87iqc wrote

People already belive that.

Like literally people already believe that and even beyond. Many believe every thought you have is known by the other, or god.

I even feel that. And I'm dead center. It'll change nothing.


ThreeDog1 t1_it880ht wrote

Sure, but those are just paranoid people in the population. We're talking about the world population finding out if aliens are in fact real.


saiyaniam t1_it88ys5 wrote

Most people have genuinely bigger issues than if aliens are real.


[deleted] t1_it806xm wrote



saiyaniam t1_it821ie wrote

Your idea of god must be very limited if some random life on another planet degrades your idea of god..

Like hardcore limited. There are billions of planets, one other having intelligent life is going to change your idea of God?


[deleted] t1_it82878 wrote



saiyaniam t1_it82nii wrote

The idea of god includes the creation of everything.

Alians will just be included in that.

NO different from when we discover a new species we didn't know about on earth.


[deleted] t1_it82sdp wrote



saiyaniam t1_it85287 wrote

You'll be part of that 10% having issues. Funny how most if not all religions have adapted to science and technology.

Most people will have zero issue with aliens being real.


Monowhale t1_it7w4oi wrote

If there are aliens smart enough to detect us they will most likely try and stay hidden until they have the means to exterminate us. We as a species consume resources without regard to sustainability and eat other intelligent beings for food when it’s not required. There’s no reason for them to contact us unless it is to buy time.


thEiAoLoGy t1_it8c0g3 wrote

Eh, doubt they’d care. We see “lesser” life do all sorts of fucked up shit and we’re like… fascinating.


thebilldozer10 t1_itc0qsx wrote

however the second any of it becomes a threat we wipe it out.

alien life would be no different, civilization always wants to expand but there is a finite amount of material. It ultimately always becomes a competition for resources and we would be wiped out just to not be a competitor.


thEiAoLoGy t1_itc1gwk wrote

What hubris to think we’d be a threat to any aliens that could travel here from another solar system. We’re barely even thinking about having a base on the moon.


thebilldozer10 t1_itc5kaa wrote

we only need to look at our own history… humanity are experts at exterminating things that are no threat. you’ve never squashed a bug just because you could?


Kaotic987 t1_it7x20x wrote

It’ll be one for the history books that’s for sure. lol

In any case, hopefully it’s a peaceful interaction.


Mildf0g t1_it8ujds wrote

I always think, we don’t get a bunch of chimps together and try and treat them like equals….hyper advanced organisms with tech thousands of years ahead of us wouldn’t just….chill with us


PedestalPotato t1_itanosu wrote

Exactly. Who's to say we could even perceive them with our laughably limited, primative senses if they're advanced enough? If they're millions of years ahead, there's absolutely no reason for them to contact us. At worst we're being monitored for study purposes, since any civilization sufficiently advanced enough would be able to create what they need instead of mining it, and any civilization that would make the effort to contact us probably wouldn't end well for us.


theophys t1_it7vk2x wrote

A better question would be what'll happen when authorities admit that alien contact has been hidden for decades.


Belostoma t1_it7wlvg wrote

Next time I hear somebody repeat the saying that "there are no stupid questions," I will think back to this one and roll my eyes.


theophys t1_it7xu36 wrote

You'd disagree with all the people who would know? If you'd like creationists, anti-vaxers, and climate change deniers to listen to experts and authorities, then have a look in the mirror.


Spiritmolecule30 t1_it7ye4a wrote

"I don't know what that unidentified flying object is in the sky. So, I certainly know its aliens."


poony23 t1_it8d5yl wrote

The one good thing that I take from hidden contact, is that the aliens have chosen not to invade or exterminate us as a species.


PedestalPotato t1_itan5f1 wrote

So far. Can't rule out that there could be equally shitty civilizations out there that shoot first and ask questions later like we do.


miles66 t1_it7vmiv wrote

One half is already long dead, the other is still to be born.


Storyteller-Hero t1_it7wi9z wrote

The aliens will probably turn about and mark Earth as a possible dump site.


anonnon23 t1_it7x8f1 wrote

ok so realistically if an advanced civilization found us, i figure we’d either be enslaved or have to earn our way onto some galactic committee. But I’m sure they’d survey us for quite a while, and after that would probably decide against including us on anything. Pretty destructive species.

If individuals were given a choice? i’m getting tf out of here and going on a Paul adventure.


Cold-Session-9843 t1_it80eb6 wrote

All boils down to 2 choices.

  1. They destroy and or eat us.

  2. They let us live.

From the history of our time on this planet and the interactions we have with other species, this is the only two things that happen.


Blowmolder1984 t1_it82el3 wrote

Any civilization advanced enough to make it here probably has no intention other then studying us. We really have no resources here on earth that they couldn't easily find out in space, and in no way could we ever pose a threat to them. We're probably some middle school aliens 2 page essay.


longReshape40 t1_itaiqsd wrote

Let's hope it would be more like the movie "Arrival" rather than "Independence Day"


PedestalPotato t1_itamz1s wrote

We just had two years of scientists telling us how to minimize the pandemic. I doubt people will listen if/when aliens show up. It'll be the same shit with a different problem.


thebilldozer10 t1_itc0de7 wrote

Having read the Remembrance of Earths Past trilogy i firmly believe we don’t want to make contact.


Burnbrook t1_itdpndn wrote

Great filters don't just apply to us. The probability is remote, but I won't say non-existent, that interstellar contact is made between humans and another intelligent party. There's also the possibility we are late/early to the party. Either way, communication is not a strong suit for humanity, just look at our history.

"So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure How amazingly unlikely is your birth And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth." -Eric Idle


NewAccount900000 t1_it7zmyk wrote

It’s Christ and his angels coming for the 12 tribes of repented Israel. Get ready to go back into captivity Edomites


Rao_Tzu t1_it88km4 wrote

Sounds nasty enough to be sarcasm, but stupid enough to be real Mormon racism.


Fickle-Property-1934 t1_itb68y9 wrote

Does it mean aliens will be able to understand us and know everything about our life if they have already been through our conscious levels


Professional_Day2626 t1_it7ufk8 wrote

When they do hostile act then elimate them all


Rao_Tzu t1_it88wx8 wrote

Yeah, you just paddle your little dugout canoe out to that aircraft carrier and sink it with your big bad flint-tipped bamboo arrows, tough guy.

We’re right behind you lol


thruster_fuel69 t1_it7qgb5 wrote

Scientists need to focus on real work until they have evidence smh


nicklolno t1_it7sw1w wrote

Some of them study this type of stuff tho


thruster_fuel69 t1_it7t3hx wrote

I'm saying they should study subjects with evidence. They're going to base it all off a known unknown, instead of a pure unknown. Whatever they come up with will be shallow and fragile at best.


AnimaTrapDelaSangre t1_it7xazy wrote

if the goverments have the script ready for a nuclear war then i believe scientist can have a protocol in case of alien contact


thruster_fuel69 t1_it7yabc wrote

Nuclear war is well known. Tell me, how will aliens invade?


Rao_Tzu t1_it87x18 wrote

Well, obviously from Emergence Holes, DUH


thruster_fuel69 t1_it880sp wrote

I'd actually appreciate a plan for this tbh.


Rao_Tzu t1_it8fowr wrote

That was sarcasm. We need to both get our own human act together as a functional global society and become a technologically competent space-faring species as fast as possible.

Because they would be coming from Outer Space. And you can model that the same way we run models for thermonuclear war.


thruster_fuel69 t1_it8g2ft wrote

What is, exactly? 100% agree I'm just not sure where you stand on researching fantasies.


Rao_Tzu t1_it8hpw3 wrote

Potential alien contact is possible just as nuclear war is possible. We should try to model and game both scenarios instead of sticking our heads in our shallow terrestrial sand out of fear, no matter how well justified.

Anyone with a minimal understanding of biology and astronomy should take both subjects seriously. I mean, just look up and do the math…


thruster_fuel69 t1_it8hx4r wrote

Ok sure, just don't be shocked when these plans are absolutely useless. At least planning for nukes is based on known variables.


Rao_Tzu t1_it8m9wv wrote

Gotta start somewhere, bro. Besides NOT knowing all the Nuclear War variables, on the First Contact scenario we do have some data already. In the last decade space telescopes have cracked open the galaxy and exoplanets are pouring out like piñata candy. We know a lot about the evolution of life on Earth, and the snowballing speed of technological development. If we went from Kitty Hawk to the Sea of Tranquility in just sixty-six (count ‘em, 66) years, what could another civilization accomplish with a million year head start?


thruster_fuel69 t1_it8mkbb wrote

Ok, so do we start planning for a wormhole attack? Multi dimensional space time folding? Pure magic, from our point of view if they make it all this way to see us.

The only plan should be to learn about the aliens, when we see them. Making up solvable fantasies now is a fools game.


Rao_Tzu t1_it8n9a7 wrote

I’m thinking we can and should game our own reactions to multiple scenarios better than the granular details on said scenarios themselves.


thruster_fuel69 t1_it8nci3 wrote

We can't imagine the scenarios dude. It's pointless. What are you practicing exactly.


Rao_Tzu t1_it8nypa wrote

Never heard of Sociology?


thruster_fuel69 t1_it8oge7 wrote

Lmao sure. How will people react to mini wormholes warping soldiers into their homes? Or how will they feel when the 3rd dimension is removed and we're all suddenly squashed. There's a massive amount of very different possibilities that we can't imagine. Planning for them is stupid, but maybe it's just right for sociology 🤭


Rao_Tzu t1_it90hmq wrote

You scared, bro?

You sound scared.


thruster_fuel69 t1_it90pyf wrote

I'm scared for all of us. Humanity is going to be focus locked on their known science when aliens come. Going to get sucker punched looking down at our hands.


Rao_Tzu t1_it9lq0s wrote

I saw an interview with some professor who agreed with you on the futility of speculating about our response to the arrival of an interstellar civilization. He compared it to iguanas discussing how to greet the first human explorers in the Galapagos:

“Of course they like to eat flies, right? Should we offer them live flies or dead flies? Should we line the flies up?”

We’ve had a good run. It was fun while it lasted, with the ice cream and reggae and football and belly dancing and shit.

Ima go pour myself a stiff one now.


thruster_fuel69 t1_it9m1n3 wrote

Thank you, yes exactly. Beyond some rudimentary emergency plans to get the smartest people finding solutions based on what the threat is actually, I don't see any point. Better off focusing on what we can do now to improve before they get here.


EmergentSubject2336 t1_it80hp2 wrote

A hypothesis doesn't need evidence, it only needs to be falsifiable. But you're right, there probably will never be any evidence to form a theory with regard to the question of alien contact in the near future anyway.

I personally wouldn't tell scientist what to do with their time. After all, I'm just a redditor. Furthermore, it's probably just a minority of scientists who can afford researching outlandish topics like this one, but people and pop-science journals love those. And I have to admit it's a fun and quick sci-fi read.


D0MSBrOtHeR t1_it7tfy9 wrote

They have made contact throughout history. Problem is the gap between us is too large and it never went well long term. We’re not “ready”. So they just don’t fuck with us.


RavenNymph90 t1_it7xbeq wrote

Looking at the state of politics, I don’t blame them.