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Riegel_Haribo t1_iroqd15 wrote

Reallllly? Because it actually takes work to recover a moon surface out of the oversharpened ringing black and white pixels meant to fool rubes:


sbenthuggin t1_irquimb wrote

I don't care how much work it takes. It still doesn't look better than OP's photo. You are absolutely the definition of someone who needs to go outside and touch grass. Life isn't this serious


bpopbpo t1_itwyzr4 wrote

It takes a lot of work to pound statues to sand, that doesn't make sand better.

The oversatureated photo shows tiny color variations that human eyes couldn't normally see, so I don't see the issue.

Do you do the same to jwst images and end up with just a black screen because it's invisible wavelengths?