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scunglyscrimblo t1_iv11cth wrote

Look I don’t think China fear mongering is good but I think it is very fair to have some worried regarding them becoming a space superpower. They haven’t had the best track record with making sure debris don’t fall right next to schools lol. I’m sure they’d pollute the moons sphere of influence in a heartbeat


EventAccomplished976 t1_iv4z9sf wrote

Now imagine if the US had been wiling to cooperate with them and made space debris avoidance part of the deal…


cjameshuff t1_iv25yli wrote

They may not be about to conquer space and then the world, or even grab any unusually valuable territory, but:

  1. they are genuinely growing in capability at a rapid rate.
  2. it would be better to overestimate them than underestimate them.
  3. there's a sizable group of people who are more motivated by national competition than by anything else. It's not my reason to support space, but it gets support for space. And frankly, peaceful cooperation and "common heritage of mankind" blather isn't getting us anywhere.

Analyst7 t1_iv1fd1l wrote

Well at least they can't build coal fired power plants up there.
