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taichi22 t1_iy6kz09 wrote

There are probably only a handful of people within the US who could even reasonably answer this question in depth, as you’re talking about LEO logistics, and the value thereof.

Like, you can look at historical satellite prices and adjust for inflation per se, but to really answer the question in depth we’re looking more at stuff like where the private space industry is at now in terms of economy of scale, what components are in the satellites (if they secretly have satellite killer abilities, for example, or spy cameras, all shit that would be black boxed on the budget) etc etc.

It’s a lot of money, but who knows if it’s a good deal or not? Almost impossible to say unless you’re an expert in the field.


DrBrotatoJr t1_iy6oien wrote

Are going in LEO? I read the article as going in MEO to augment existing MEO orbiters.


sleepyzalophus t1_iy6yn52 wrote

These are going to MEO :)

It’s possible he meant Launch & Early Orbit checkout… but it’s hard to tell. SDA are the only Space Force org looking at putting PNT in LEO.


Falconman21 t1_iy7uvc9 wrote

I consider myself an expert in most fields, but satellites are just too far way sometimes. I mean it’s SPACE we’re talking about!


DLBaker t1_iy7bzfu wrote

Would be a great way to launder moneh from the Goberment though.
