pastey83 t1_j23nb14 wrote
Reply to comment by tackleberry2219 in Every planet in the solar system visible in rare "planet parade" by scot816
Some times that's worse. I knew about it in advance: 100% cloud cover...
Ok-disaster2022 t1_j23xgo2 wrote
Dude I live right in the path of the upcoming solar eclipse. At least I know when it will be cloudy a couple years from now
Huachinangoo t1_j24ywxe wrote
Oh man. I lived right on the edge of totality during the last eclipse. There is a town about an hour away that was dead in the center. Hotels were booked solid over a year in advance. People came from all over the world. It got completely rained out.
crazylikeaf0x t1_j24z3tx wrote
Edge of Totality is definitely the name of my band.
Wants_to_be_accepted t1_j24zp7r wrote
Funny it's the name of my sex tape.
Joeva8me t1_j2514ig wrote
Funny, I thought it was “one is the loneliest number”
bigfloppydonkeydng t1_j251e8j wrote
Starring the millimeter defeater
RobGrizzly t1_j253qln wrote
Millimeter Defeater is definitely the name of my band.
[deleted] t1_j262o1y wrote
DragonFuckingRabbit t1_j27k2yp wrote
more like edged by totality
SpiffyBlizzard t1_j25bid3 wrote
We were dead center in Western Neb and it was perfectly clear. Most incredible experience of my life outside of the birth of my child.
coolreg214 t1_j26bcea wrote
They should have offered a rain check and scheduled it for another day!
[deleted] t1_j25cnvs wrote
[deleted] t1_j28rpyk wrote
dc551589 t1_j262lmm wrote
Yeah, I’m in the northeast US and I’m 100% committed to seeing totality in 2024 (weather permitting lol).
[deleted] t1_j26opw8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j25a6cl wrote
[deleted] t1_j25nmj3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j26immj wrote
altitudearts t1_j27hkp7 wrote
If you’re in the Midwest, you may want to head to Texas or Mexico. Clouds, right?
We got a place east of Dallas for that auspicious day. Hoping for clear skies.
[deleted] t1_j27k6hw wrote
beef-o-lipso t1_j23snkx wrote
Local forecast for the night of the Geminid is the same for me. I need a new hobby.
WrongJohnSilver t1_j24ebzc wrote
When's the best time to witness a meteor shower?
January, between 1 and 3 am. In the bitter, cloudy cold.
beef-o-lipso t1_j25jrgv wrote
You know it. Bundle up in half your clothes, grab a hot non-alcoholic drink (alcohol lowers body temp), get a lawn chair, and enjoy the show.
Brag to your friends the next day about your commitment. :-)
CDBSB t1_j27x0tn wrote
Yeah, but the alcoholic drinks make the showers more fun. 😉
[deleted] t1_j24v8su wrote
pastey83 t1_j23u9mi wrote
I frequently look at my telescope and think, should have bought a piano 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ImpossibleMachine3 t1_j24w4p4 wrote
I know how you feel. My wife got me a brand new telescope for my birthday this year. A couple of weeks later I read about the "last lunar eclipse on the east coast of the US for years" and it was happening at a time and place I'd be able to see it! With my new telescope! I got up around 4am, checked out the sky - full moon, clear sky, absolutely beautiful. Another hour until the eclipse... So I used the bathroom, went back inside.
When it was time for the eclipse,... Completely overcast. And it stayed that way until dawn. Ugh.
albene t1_j23u83m wrote
I didn’t know about it in advance but I don’t feel so bad since there was cloud cover for me too
CokeDiesel4 t1_j24e0qw wrote
One time there was supposed to be a rocket launch I could see from my house which hasn't happened in decades and they cancelled it due to weather and moved it somewhere else.
QuimmLord t1_j25f20i wrote
Or the phenomenons happen at like 3:57am when I’m dead asleep and don’t feel like going out in 20° weather
pastey83 t1_j25gm59 wrote
My summer was like that, all the actual clear nights had shit going on in the wee hours. And in several cases I slept on my couch in the failed hope of "staying up"
ChelseaFan1967 t1_j24yr47 wrote
Yeah, me too. I thought, “Well, this sucks.”
PersnickityPenguin t1_j26pce2 wrote
Its been raining here for like a week straight, but the article did say this last happened in june…
wave_327 t1_j295dgz wrote
Same here. At least I got to see the Moon and Jupiter close together
[deleted] t1_j295o5f wrote
Foreign_Astronaut t1_j254w9p wrote
Saaaaame. I have also never seen a lunar eclipse in person, such is my luck with cloud cover.
bunnyrut t1_j25chg1 wrote
That had been every sky event in the past 20 years for me. I feel like I am cursed.
Amazing meteor shower? Overcast. Comet? Raining. Lunar eclipse? Sorry, it's cloudy tonight. Solar eclipse? Lol, cloudy again.
Wanna see all the planets in the sky with your naked eye? Syke!
I'll just look at all the awesome pictures everyone else is taking.
[deleted] t1_j25ner8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j26cvua wrote
lemonade124 t1_j241qps wrote
Weather has nothing to do with knowing in advance
curtyshoo t1_j24dv73 wrote
Cloud cover often emerges as a result of astronomical anticipation.
Foreign_Astronaut t1_j2552gq wrote
Anticipation precipitation.
A_shy_neon_jaguar t1_j28h009 wrote
I see you shiver with antici
[deleted] t1_j2aqwjl wrote
Salty__Business t1_j250s96 wrote
Whoa, you're telling me that knowledge of a thing doesn't inexplicably alter the outcome? That can't possibly be right...
If you knew about it ahead of time, got excited about it, then couldn't see anything due to clouds, you'd be pretty disappointed. In that case, it would be less disappointing if you hadn't known about it at all.
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