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t1_j23snkx wrote

Local forecast for the night of the Geminid is the same for me. I need a new hobby.


t1_j24ebzc wrote

When's the best time to witness a meteor shower?

January, between 1 and 3 am. In the bitter, cloudy cold.


t1_j25jrgv wrote

You know it. Bundle up in half your clothes, grab a hot non-alcoholic drink (alcohol lowers body temp), get a lawn chair, and enjoy the show.

Brag to your friends the next day about your commitment. :-)


t1_j27x0tn wrote

Yeah, but the alcoholic drinks make the showers more fun. 😉


t1_j23u9mi wrote

I frequently look at my telescope and think, should have bought a piano 🤣🤣🤣🤣