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rockmodenick t1_j1knkg1 wrote

No need for anxiety, because even if each bounce and repeat creates identical universes, the new identical person isn't actually you. You don't share memories, you've just had identical experiences. There's no connection between the consciousnesses, and each is only a brief blip in untold ages of time.


EmbarrassedFriend693 OP t1_j1knvs3 wrote

yeah, i'll be fine if that guy won't be me. thanks


rockmodenick t1_j1knzts wrote

You're welcome, and if he ever ever exists, he definitely won't be you.


CaptainPicardKirk t1_j1kx87r wrote

That may help him...but it gives me anxiety! It would give comfort to know I'm a life form breathing in an out of existence for all eternity.


iamthelouie t1_j1kyman wrote

Calm down. You’re giving the next guy anxiety.


rockmodenick t1_j1kxgo6 wrote

You and me both, but I do like that it makes him feel better.


lord_kristivas t1_j1kye4f wrote

>You're welcome, and if he ever ever exists, he definitely won't be you.

I wouldn't take comfort in that.

What if Deja Vu are mental blips from past timelines, which could be an indicator that we are destined to go through this again and again forever? Yes, us. Directly us.


RoyalCities t1_j1l45nw wrote

Deja vu is just your brain trying to remember something - failing - and then just making it seem familiar anyways to cover its own ass.

Dont trust that guy.


DClawsareweirdasf t1_j1l3n4r wrote

I’ve heard Deja Vu is simply different parts of the brain receiving or assessing information at slightly different times (I cant remember but something like fractions of a second apart) which tricks you into thinking you’ve experienced something before — because technically you did a VERY brief time ago


stefiscool t1_j1l30z4 wrote

I’m ok with this. I kind of like it, actually.


Vaiiki t1_j1kxm2c wrote

Yeah he could even theoretically have sex with him even.


HarvesterConrad t1_j1kqeuz wrote

He will be fine he’s not you too when he reads other me’s comment here.


NotAHamsterAtAll t1_j1kv315 wrote

You die each night and a clone is filled with your memories each morning.


fenton7 t1_j1l0syd wrote

Given how fast cells renew, that's not far from the truth.


thebeandream t1_j1kx110 wrote

Alternatively, from this point onward just do things to have an awesome life. If it repeats then, even though you had a bad time up til now, at least you know future you will be worth repeating.


krazy123katholic t1_j1kwgdb wrote

It's the same thing I always heard from people in dangerous jobs. If it happens, you'll never know. I got anxiety too, and it's one of the things that'll trigger it. I'm the opposite because I hate microbiology. It's out of your control and do what you're doing and enjoy life. It doesn't even need to be a bounce. An asteroid could smack us any second and we wouldn't even register it, just like an amoeba could shut our brain down. Live your life and don't worry about it! Do what you're doing and enjoy the ride my dude! (PS none of what I described is going to happen because in layman's terms, space stuff takes a long time to do anything. You're just having an anxiety attack probably and you're good. Just breathe.)


7lick t1_j1la07a wrote

It is you without you knowing that it is you.

Mindfuck, i know.


EmbarrassedFriend693 OP t1_j1la57o wrote

it isn't me, it's someone else


7lick t1_j1la93s wrote

Keep believing that budy. Joking.

It is someone with the same exact experience and memories as you. That is if the big bounce theory is true.

We run into a similar problem with cloning, if you clone yourself is that clone is you, an extension of you or someone else altogether. At least in the case of cloning, we know that over time that clone would be different from you as time passes.

In the case of a big bounce theory, if we assume that the universe is deterministic, we get the same exact outcome every time.


GanSoku t1_j1ksrq7 wrote

I mean you can’t say that for sure. I blooped into existence from the void once, there’s no reason it can’t happen again. In fact I think it has to and there’s no way to escape reality


rockmodenick t1_j1kt01r wrote

But, you can say that for sure, because if you don't share memories or a consciousness, which you can't in this situation, you're by definition not the same person.


GanSoku t1_j1kzwab wrote

I guess what I meant is there’s no way to escape consciousness. We are infinitely conscious, but not as the same being


Apprehensive_Wolf217 t1_j1lack6 wrote

I rather like the term “blooped into existence” I feel we bloop in and out all the time, back and forth where special and general relativity meet.


Denver-Ski t1_j1kx99x wrote

The Big Crunch is a fading theory. It came about when we believed that the Big Bang would slow and contract. Now that we understand that the expansion is accelerating, the crunch doesn’t seem very likely


rockmodenick t1_j1kxl9o wrote

Yeah, and the heat death of the universe is one of my anxieties, so...


Denver-Ski t1_j1kxwwp wrote

More likely a cold, dark freeze. Not for Earth, though. Earth will be engulfed by the sun… so… you’re not wrong… it’ll just be a long before that happens. Most galaxies will spread apart into darkness, though :/


EmbarrassedFriend693 OP t1_j1lamkz wrote

yeah, for me ,i'll go with heat death, not even taking any 1/gogolian chances of living this life again, lol


Denver-Ski t1_j1lzk2p wrote

I’m sorry to hear that. It sounds like you’ve had a very rough life. I hope that things go at least a little better from here.


froggythefish t1_j1kwwmg wrote

This assumes freedom of will is real, and one’s choices are not 100% defined by reproducible chemical reactions.


rockmodenick t1_j1kxbzx wrote

Free will isn't required, necessarily, in fact, if one believes in reductive predetermination, that precludes an immortal, immaterial component, which makes an even stronger case that you and the bounce universe repeat have no connections and the similarities are irrelevant.


Just_Michael1138 t1_j1kvkgx wrote

Disturbing: What if that's what deja vu is? Remembering previous aeons.

Even more disturbing: what if the light at the end of the tunnel is us hitting the big L at the moment of death, and crossing into the next aeon, only it seems fast because of the dimensional shift?


AFX2W1N t1_j1l1bgt wrote

We don’t even know what consciousness is exactly and you are claiming that there will be no connection given one of the most theoretical observations one can make?


rockmodenick t1_j1l2f50 wrote

I know that my consciousness of now is not my consciousness of yesterday. In fact, it updates moment to moment, with only memories and common hardware. How exactly is a consciousness that's been dead for billions of years going to be synchronized with another? It's absurd

However, the short answer is that burden of proof is on the person making the greater claim, I'm claiming that there's no evidence of any information exchange between cycles of the universe, should cycles of the universe even be real - which I highly doubt anyway for a number of reasons supported by data gathered by people much more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. You're claiming not only are they real, but they somehow include a psychic connection between cycles. So you need to come up with a huge amount of evidence, or the default claim, which is that that all sounds like a bunch of nonsense.


AFX2W1N t1_j1l3y85 wrote

The only claim I made is that we still do not know what consciousness is.


AFX2W1N t1_j1l4nhw wrote

And I essentially agree w/ you and am just playing devils advocate and picking your brain a bit.


rockmodenick t1_j1lw9ed wrote

Ok cool then I'll elaborate - I counted three claims:

  1. we don't know what consciousness is

  2. I'm claiming their won't be a connection

  3. this situation is way too theoretical to make any claims at all about, with any reliability.

The reason I think these constitute the greater claim, and therefore my claim is the safer one, is as such

  1. we don't, but we can measure a bunch of things about it, and experience it, therefore,

  2. there's never been any evidence of psychic connections of any kind, so it seems really unlikely this situation would be an exception. It could be, but it seems way safer to assume no.

  3. I mean, yeah, chances are much much higher we're headed for heat death than a bounce, universe wise, so in that sense it is pretty silly to "what-if" a bounce scenario, but I was trying to relieve OPs anxiety, so I took this part as a given.


Chicken_Teeth t1_j1l5dmr wrote

Reminds me of the whole “being deconstructed by a teleporter” thing. Are you the same person when reconstructed on the other end? I guess, in this case, we’re just reruns, though, so it’s not the same.


12edDawn t1_j1leq2z wrote

>You don't share memories

...but you do though, if you experiences are identical, no?


rockmodenick t1_j1luqhk wrote

I'd say you have the same ones, rather than that they're shared, because they didn't go from one to the other, in a "ship of Theseus" or teleporter situation - the actual individuals are separated by billions of years. Like, two people have separate recordings of the same movie, rather than sharing a single recording of a movie, if that distinction makes more sense.


Tyrilean t1_j1l51lr wrote

Sounds like a similar thought experience to ship of Theseus.