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ackermann t1_j1cuy9q wrote

> need big ass antennas covering a lot of area to collect the power

Though presumably smaller than the area of solar panels you’d need on the ground, to collect the same amount of power from the sun directly. Otherwise, it would largely defeat the purpose, of course.


danielravennest t1_j1eay69 wrote

Solar energy in space is 36% stronger than on the ground, and available 24 hours a day rather than 3-8 for locations on the ground. So a panel in space generates a lot more power, and on a predictable schedule.

The trick is to get that power down to a transmission line on Earth at a reasonable cost. The military is interested in this, because they have to bring power to field bases in random locations. Beams are steerable. The current method involves tanker trucks fueling generators at absurdly high cost.


orrk256 t1_j1dc2rq wrote

No, it is significantly easier and cheaper to put up a bunch of wires somewhere in comparison to solar panels, needs less matinace and isn't as susceptible to "day/night"