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bgplsa t1_j58ib7a wrote

Great answer but I don’t understand the becoming invisible very gradually part can you elaborate?


citybadger t1_j59r94t wrote

Light climbing out a gravity well loses energy. Unlike a object with mass, it doesn’t slow down as it loses energy, because it’s light - it can’t slow down. So it instead gets lower in frequency - “red-shifted”. Gamma rays become X-rays, which become ultraviolet light, which become blue visible light, which become red visible light, then infrared, microwave, and radio. Visible light climbing out of ordinary neutron star will be red shifted. Some of the red light will be invisible because it shifted into infrared.


Sykowsh t1_j5a1wnx wrote

Also relativity. Your atom with speed of just a tiny bit lower than speed of light would have such a relative mass on itself, that it could under the influence of your BH create some sort of space censure around itself,
from the perspective of an outside observer. ....or I confuse apples with pears.