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Sargent_Sarkasmo t1_j2ub7y0 wrote

All that money could serve a universal healthcare plan but the Congress prefers Defense.

That said, watching the situation in Ukraine, I'm kindda happy DoD has a huge budget or I fear, eastern Europe would have fallen under Putin's rule a decade ago.


Anderopolis t1_j2ufud0 wrote

If the US reformed their healthcare system to one like Germany, they would be able to spend more, not less money on defense.


Just_Michael1138 t1_j2ubnnc wrote

Yeah, but it's the DoD...they just lost 2 trillion dollars, so giving them a bigger budget is like taking pellet guns away from kids and giving them flame-throwers instead. lmao Either way, get your popcorn, there's likely to be some entertainment soon.

*reaches for SPF 5000 sunscreen*


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j2ux934 wrote

Few points: 1) The DoD didn’t lose money, they are not a company. They spend allocated money on defense. 2) what do you mean “they just lost $2T”? Their entire budget is 1/3 of that, so unless you mean “just” as in the last 3 years, and unless you count spending their budget as “losing” money, this makes no sense.


zeeblecroid t1_j2wuioc wrote

Spending the money doesn't count as losing it, but being unable to account for it definitely does. They didn't "just" lose that amount, but over the last decade or so at least that much defense money has just vanished into the aether without anyone being able to tell where it went.


TheGreatestOutdoorz t1_j2wuzjs wrote

Are you talking about the silly claim that AOC made, which was completely debunked, which even the NYT took her to task for? Cause that’s the only thing I can think you are talking about and three seconds on google will show you why it’s BS.


zeeblecroid t1_j2x1veq wrote

If that's the only thing you can think of I can only guess you aren't paying attention, given funds vanishing on those kinds of scales has been a thing for far longer than one new congresswoman has been doing the rent-free thing in peoples' heads. Unless you're saying she made those claims while Bush was in office too, I guess.