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gburgwardt t1_j2wwppq wrote

Sound requires a medium. QED in a vacuum, sound cannot travel


AncientProduce t1_j2x37fs wrote

However space is not a true vacuum, so there is a possibility of sound transference but that chance is basically zero.


Synicalll t1_j2wwv3p wrote

It can't travel, there isn't a medium for sound waves to permeate through in the absence of "stuff".


Canam82 t1_j2wxlr4 wrote

Do highschool science classes not exist anymore?


gburgwardt t1_j2wyz21 wrote

Don't shame people for asking questions (though, this is maybe not the best place for it)


Toiletchan t1_j2wz30u wrote

No, the quality of the education has plummeted because of budget cuts and lack of proper compensation for the teachers with the necessary understanding to teach that class and still make rent/bill payments.

A good science teacher can change an entire generation with the scholars they produce and inspire. But not at 38k a year for a four year degree and vetted license process.


nerdguy1138 t1_j2wzpaj wrote

I've had 3 good science teachers in my educational years, and 10000000x this!

A good science teacher is really entertaining and fun. A dry teacher sucks.


KingDominoIII t1_j2wzv07 wrote

The DoE’s budget, and national education spending, has been gradually increasing since 1970, yet test scores have remained the same. Budget cuts are not the issue.


Toiletchan t1_j2x166y wrote

The wage of the average high school teacher has minimally increased since then and has fallen extreme magnitudes below adjustment rates for inflation and cost of living increases.

Are you saying 38k a year is sufficient to draw the necessary talent under the current position requirements?

I think relating that to DoE budget increases is not only disingenuous but a flat out diversion of the actual problem.

The only salary on the DoE that have seen proper increases relative to economic scaling is those in administrative positions.

We need better paid teachers not more admin pay.


niced00d t1_j2wz6ry wrote

Do you help answer questions or just complain?


Soturi34 t1_j2x1pcn wrote

I blame the movies, but it would be boring to have a space fight scene with no sound.


Crizznik t1_j2xg454 wrote

Yeah, even in space movies and shows with lauded "realism" there is still sound, it's just heavily muted. I like it, but it's still not actually realistic. I like the implication that it's what it would sound like if the camera were encased in a module with air, or if the microphone(s) were mounted in the ship(s) and that's what it would sound like, but it's still not what it would sound like.


DarkArcher__ t1_j2wxp0s wrote

If its a truly empty space (a perfect vacuum), sound cannot travel at all. Sound is nothing more than a wave of molecules bouncing into eachother. No molecules, no sound.


Oldpuzzlehead t1_j2wxdt4 wrote

It depends on where in space you are located. In empty space, no sounds since no medium to travel through. In gas nebulas or galaxy clusters it is possible for sound to travel though them but it isn't something humans can hear without technological assistance.


SuperStarPlatinum t1_j2wzsd2 wrote

Without a material to travel through it can't.

So in a true vacuum sound can't move from its point of origin.

"In space no one can hear you scream" is fairly accurate statement


Turd-In-Your-Pocket t1_j2x19aj wrote

It depends on how empty you mean by empty. In a pure vacuum there’s no sound. Some black holes and star systems have enough gases around them that what might visibly look “empty” between the star and surrounding planets isn’t really empty. There, sound travels out in massive waves. Luckily our solar system lacks enough matter to transmit sound from our sun to our planet because it would be really frickin loud all the time if it did. Also, gravitational waves expand and compress space (and the matter within it) not too dissimilar from how sound travels through matter, but unlike audible sound waves, gravitational waves don’t require a physical medium. But this is how we can hear black holes. Also, they travel at the speed of light if I remember correctly.


space-ModTeam t1_j2x5t04 wrote

Hello u/forexpost, your submission "At what speed can sound travel in empty space?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


Spalding4u t1_j2wzf6f wrote

It depends on the location of said empty space.

In normal space, sound cannot travel, as it requires a medium.

If the empty space is between your ears, the sound travels at the speed of stupid.
