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shyouko t1_j5jxvwe wrote

Any source or hints on how this is calculated?


Nrksbullet t1_j5jyo89 wrote

It's from the documentary 'Rick and Morty', visualized as the Sun screaming.


LLuerker t1_j5jz30w wrote

I just used Google, but the first handful of sources claim the same number. Just number crunching basically


artgriego t1_j5lp8zm wrote

Given how bright it is, at a distance of 93 MILLION miles...I believe it.


[deleted] t1_j5lclym wrote



left_lane_camper t1_j5lx083 wrote

Those calculations assume a lossless atmosphere and that the only attenuation is geometric. Adding in attenuation leads to full thermalization surprisingly close to the photosphere.

Of course, if there were a medium to transport that sound, then it would effectively mean that the sun were just a much larger star, and that medium itself would be turbulent and noisy.