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Eswyft t1_j7zvnle wrote

There are over head costs for charity. That's reality. You're going to need to be a lot more specific


Gobblewicket t1_j802437 wrote

Russell's charity reportedly spen more on employees than doing actual charitable works. They spen $600,00 on charity and $1.1 million on salaries from 2020-21. Ryan Tarpley, CEO of the charity, made double industry standard in salary. He is also Chief Strategy Officer for the Wilson's home office, which is illegal double dipping.

If you want to become infuriated, Yahoo! has a good story on it.

As a bonus, the Wilson Celebrity Golf Tournament boasted about $2million in donations to a Seattle children's hospital. But in actuality only donated $78,000 while the Tournament itself cost $800,000.


Eswyft t1_j8030u6 wrote

That's bad. Thank you for the source


drmcsinister t1_j80mo2g wrote

Those are pretty abysmal ratios. Who is this Ryan Tarpley guy? I'm assuming a close friend...


RevengencerAlf t1_j80c0rc wrote

Overhead is a real thing but it should be reasonable. I think the exact line of acceptable costs is easily debatable but his charities are reportedly spending over 50% of their income on overhead and I'd like to think any rational person would say that's too much to justify the existence of the entity if true.