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t1_j8eg0bl wrote

The only solution that can work long term is to abandon the limiting and oh, so corrupt bidding process and set permanent host cities. Whether it be a single city where everybody gathers every four years, or a handful used in rotation, doing so will will hit eliminate the bribery the IOC expects (yay!) and will also eliminate (nearly) completely the waste that comes with cities having facilities that sit completely unused after the Games are done. (I prefer several cities in rotation)

Both Summer and Winter Olympics should go this route.

My picks for permanent Summer hosts- Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Tokyo and Rio (assuming Brazil can get its act together). And I would add an African city at some point as well.

My Winter Games picks would be- Vancouver, Pyeongchang, an Alpine city to be determined, and a city in Scandinavia.

Yes, these are all fairly recent hosts. That’s because they should all still have a lot of infrastructure already in place.