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AFineDayForScience t1_j8e39in wrote

Fuck that. Let's have the next winter Olympics in Qatar


Whatsup167 t1_j8eebr3 wrote

Where can I get a Barilla Pasta hat?


zoinkability t1_j8e1472 wrote

Outdoor winter sports are in real danger from climate change, so it's good to see athletes pushing these bodies to make stronger steps. These bodies, for their own survival, should be doing these things and using that leadership to push other industries to do the same.

That said: the sad reality is that the vast, vast majority of greenhouse gases are emitted in other ways, so the push needs to rapidly grow beyond winter sports themselves to join with broader climate efforts.


Embrourie t1_j8ej589 wrote

If this is the tipping point that actually makes climate action a priority among the powers that be I will spit out my drink.


Eroe777 t1_j8eg0bl wrote

The only solution that can work long term is to abandon the limiting and oh, so corrupt bidding process and set permanent host cities. Whether it be a single city where everybody gathers every four years, or a handful used in rotation, doing so will will hit eliminate the bribery the IOC expects (yay!) and will also eliminate (nearly) completely the waste that comes with cities having facilities that sit completely unused after the Games are done. (I prefer several cities in rotation)

Both Summer and Winter Olympics should go this route.

My picks for permanent Summer hosts- Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Tokyo and Rio (assuming Brazil can get its act together). And I would add an African city at some point as well.

My Winter Games picks would be- Vancouver, Pyeongchang, an Alpine city to be determined, and a city in Scandinavia.

Yes, these are all fairly recent hosts. That’s because they should all still have a lot of infrastructure already in place.


tapirexpress t1_j8ivqqz wrote

Should we require a carbon offset fee for people that go skiing/snowboarding


cowens89 t1_j8e59v5 wrote

Jesus Christ the climate change weirdos are fucking annoying. Snow ain’t going anywhere people


polishbrucelee t1_j8e5zwe wrote

The cool thing about science is, no matter what you believe, it doesn't care :)


Sigmar_Heldenhammer t1_j8e5x3j wrote

Man, you bette publish your peer reviewed research and claim your Nobel Prize since you got it all figured out already.


cowens89 t1_j8e6050 wrote

I could say the same for the doomsayers


hamster_rustler t1_j8e8abs wrote

Do you … do you think that climate scientists don’t publish peer-reviewed research?


cowens89 t1_j8egi7s wrote

Why are you typing with a stutter? Also those papers are many times going back a few decades and not thousands of years. Of course human pollution affects the planet. But by no means is there any credible evidence that the situation is dire


halpless2112 t1_j8f51mw wrote

Um, have you ever heard of ice core samples that date back much more than decades? I swear some people think they are so smart. I wish I could somehow be there the day the reality bricks come crashing down. The look on your face would be priceless.

Put another way. Do you think you’re right because you’re really smart, and the overwhelming majority of the scientific community is dumb? Or do you think it’s possible that you may have misunderstood something? Probably the latter. Then again, why am I arguing with someone who likely hasn’t had a college chemistry or physics class that explains these phenomena? They’re really not too hard, I’d highly recommend them considering how smart you probably think you are.


cowens89 t1_j8fjug5 wrote

You won’t be here. At our current rate it would take a millennia for us to actually have a major effect on our lives from climate change


halpless2112 t1_j8fkyyh wrote

I respect your confidence, even if you’re completely wrong.

Perhaps college would do you good. Go out there and learn about the planet you live on. I promise it’s a rewarding experience. It may even yield the added benefit of you actually learning about the real (and immediate) effects even a 1.5°C global average increase would have on our civilization (especially ones not as fortunate as most western societies)

Cool place to start is why infrared light seems so content to stay here in our atmosphere. As well as where that infrared comes from. There’s probably a ton of good pics that may teach you something 🤷‍♂️


cowens89 t1_j8fv9lq wrote

Went to college and graduated thank you. I’m not saying humans don’t impact the environment. I’m saying that if it were as dire as some of the doomsayers are insinuating, we would completely outlaw private jets and many other things. It wouldn’t even be up for discussion


halpless2112 t1_j8fy1b5 wrote

I was meaning go to college for something STEM related. I shouldn’t assume, but I’m gonna go ahead with the assumption that you didn’t go to school for anything even arguably related to STEM. Perhaps you had a science class or two, which is definitely not the same thing. If you had, you’d probably be singing a different tune.


cowens89 t1_j8fzuqq wrote

My degree is in Applied Science, but that’s medical. So you are correct, no STEM.


halpless2112 t1_j8gum2s wrote

Did you take an astronomy or physics course in during your degree? That’s where I first learned how it worked. I also learned quickly how terrible of an idea it is to have layman reporters talk about this, since that’s how many people learn about climate change. It’s an incredibly nuanced subject, and our news media honestly doesn’t do a very good job of addressing that.


sgantm20 t1_j8eixav wrote

You’re a real miserable human. I bet you take zero responsibility for anything in your daily life.


cowens89 t1_j8etoq0 wrote

😂 I’m a miserable human because I have an opinion that there is perhaps data not supporting your corporate overlords idea that if we don’t invest in green power, the world will collapse? Ok I guess


mrs_dalloway t1_j8hqcpi wrote

You admit human pollution affects the planet, regardless of snow or not snow, we should do better about addressing pollution.

The ozone layer is protection between the earth and the sun. Similar to say a garage. Turning a car on in a garage will quickly fill the garage w carbon monoxide. Any animal in the garage will suffocate.

That is what we are doing with pollution. The earth is a garage and we are constantly running a car 24/7.

We have to find alternatives to carbon based systems right now. Snow or no snow, climate hoax or not. We need to do it now.

Also carbon dating doesn’t lie. Goes back thousands of millions of years.


LostGundyr t1_j8e7501 wrote

That did not come across the way you thought it did. Seems like you’re supporting the scientists that are speaking out against climate change.

Which you should but you’re clearly not very smart and trust feelings more than the years upon years of scientific research performed by professionals. So what can you do.


cowens89 t1_j8e8372 wrote

I think you are misreading it if you can’t understand it. If you go back thousands of years the temperatures have always had fluctuations


LostGundyr t1_j9utg5o wrote

And you just think they haven’t taken that into account when researching this?


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8ez5wh wrote

Halfway through February and barely any snow yet in New England. It was almost 60F last week here in Boston. We also had record lows that same week. It’s almost like the climate is changing or something.


cowens89 t1_j8f2by5 wrote

No one’s denying climate change. I’m saying it’s extremely overblown and weird weather occurrences have happened somewhere in the world on a yearly basis since probably forever. My town flooded in 2008, worst rainfall ever recorded. Nothing close to that since.

If Boston goes a few years with no snowfall then we can talk about climate change


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8f397t wrote

Random Redditor knows more about climate science than actual climate scientists. The vast major of the scientific community agrees man made climate change is the cause of the weird weather, but you probably saw some source claiming different and take that as gospel. Yes, weather has fluctuated for millennia, but the current trend is faster than any other climate cycles in the past. The world and its inhabitants aren’t adapting fast enough to this sudden change. But, from your history it seems pretty silly for me to try to change your mind.


cowens89 t1_j8fjl64 wrote

No, random Redditor is aware of using selective data to get the outcome you want. Oil companies have studies dating back decades saying climate change is bullshit. I believe their data is just as manipulative as some of the pro green peoples data that we have today


BCLetsRide69 t1_j8fqjgn wrote

So then you’re literally saying oil companies data is the exact same as people from NOAA, POW, the EPA, every single college in the entire US and the world, every single scientist in every single government, the USGS, and the IPCC? Holy fucking hell you are delusional


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8kkhuh wrote

You’re so close to understanding. It’s right in front of you. Yet, you just can’t grasp it.


cowens89 t1_j8km13s wrote

Said the sheep


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8knh7i wrote

You’re so close to understanding. It’s right in front of you. Yet, you just can’t grasp it.


[deleted] t1_j8fiv43 wrote



[deleted] t1_j8fjz6w wrote



PeterSagansLaundry t1_j91s111 wrote

That is literally the definotion of climate change denial.


cowens89 t1_j92hs9e wrote

Whos denying that? I’ve said it’s real. I don’t believe the current situation is dire


PeterSagansLaundry t1_j932jvu wrote

You are denying that climate change is dire lmao.


cowens89 t1_j93gr5r wrote

Yes. Now, how is it being dire the definition of climate change as you previously claimed?


PeterSagansLaundry t1_j93qro7 wrote

I did not "define" climate change. I defined climate denial, as denial of the basic, objectively established facts. Such as the fact that we are in a climate emergency that can kill billions.


cowens89 t1_j94igu8 wrote

For our climate at the current rate to kill billions it would take thousands of years. Quit doomsaying


witfenek t1_j8e7xu7 wrote

Tell that to the Northeast USA and the Alps - one of the lowest snow winters either location has ever had. Meanwhile, the western USA has too much snow. This is all due to climate change.


cowens89 t1_j8egq35 wrote

Ever had on record you mean. Weather changes. Shocker. Last year my town had a ton of snow, this year not very much. It happens