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05hastros t1_j8jt9g0 wrote

Some people just want to watch the world burn.


SpankMyButt t1_j8l3z6n wrote

And here's a wild idea; don't give people like that guns


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8mopa2 wrote

Easy to say, but in practice it’s an extremely difficult and complicated task to decide which individuals are not allowed to buy guns.


SpankMyButt t1_j8mttjb wrote

While I agree with you we have to remember that this is American exceptionalism at work. Very few other countries have this kind of problems. Australia had this problem and solved it, remember that.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8my4g4 wrote

Saying “nobody gets guns” is a lot different than saying “don’t allow certain people to have guns”


SpankMyButt t1_j8n4vfk wrote

Very few countries say "nobody get guns", what most sane regulations say is , "you'll get a gun if you got a need for it". And look at that ; it works in about all of the western world.


BigCountry1182 t1_j8mwifo wrote

The gun buy back probably reduced spree killings/mass murders, but they’re still happening in Australia


SpankMyButt t1_j8n4fy8 wrote

I hate to break your bubble but humans have been shitty to one another since the dawn of time and most of the time the motive is at best fuzzy. Mass shootings has basically stoped and the most of them post port Arthur are family tragedies. Before port Arthur you can see, some times multiple a year, shooting sprees but that basically stopped.

Edit: After re reading you answer I saw that i basically parroted your reply. What I'm saying is that people will always do shitty thing even a total gun ban won't change that but it will stop some of the shitty things that happens.