SpankMyButt t1_j8n4vfk wrote
Reply to comment by Sometimes_Stutters in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
Very few countries say "nobody get guns", what most sane regulations say is , "you'll get a gun if you got a need for it". And look at that ; it works in about all of the western world.
SpankMyButt t1_j8n4fy8 wrote
Reply to comment by BigCountry1182 in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
I hate to break your bubble but humans have been shitty to one another since the dawn of time and most of the time the motive is at best fuzzy. Mass shootings has basically stoped and the most of them post port Arthur are family tragedies. Before port Arthur you can see, some times multiple a year, shooting sprees but that basically stopped.
Edit: After re reading you answer I saw that i basically parroted your reply. What I'm saying is that people will always do shitty thing even a total gun ban won't change that but it will stop some of the shitty things that happens.
SpankMyButt t1_j8mttjb wrote
Reply to comment by Sometimes_Stutters in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
While I agree with you we have to remember that this is American exceptionalism at work. Very few other countries have this kind of problems. Australia had this problem and solved it, remember that.
SpankMyButt t1_j8mi92y wrote
Reply to comment by Sub7Agent in Michigan State cancels athletic events for 48 hours after campus shooting by PrincessBananas85
I don't remember saying it's insignificant. Please point to where I have written that.
SpankMyButt t1_j8luycw wrote
Reply to comment by Sub7Agent in Michigan State cancels athletic events for 48 hours after campus shooting by PrincessBananas85
People have been killing people in cruel and pointless ways since the dawn of time. But this is American exceptionalism, in no other "western" county is there a similar situation. Why? I don't know but the access to guns is exceptionally easy in the US.
SpankMyButt t1_j8l3z6n wrote
Reply to comment by 05hastros in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
And here's a wild idea; don't give people like that guns
SpankMyButt t1_j8kzltz wrote
Reply to comment by Sub7Agent in Michigan State cancels athletic events for 48 hours after campus shooting by PrincessBananas85
Sure, this is dumb as f***
SpankMyButt t1_itbjdim wrote
Reply to comment by Akiias in Voter fraud charges dropped against Hervis Rogers, Houston man who waited hours to vote in 2020 by nosotros_road_sodium
I'm a bit uncertain what the misleading part is.
SpankMyButt t1_itb2oqh wrote
Reply to Voter fraud charges dropped against Hervis Rogers, Houston man who waited hours to vote in 2020 by nosotros_road_sodium
It might be a unpopular idea but not letting people with a record vote is bonkers to say the least. One of the purposes of democracy is to have every aspect of society represented and thereby make more informed decisions.
SpankMyButt t1_jd1pzp6 wrote
Reply to comment by finevcijnenfijn in Got a question for Twitter's press team? The answer will be a poop emoji by carolinaindian02
Since lots of his fans seems to be there, it might be a good fit.