Submitted by MetalPawn100 t3_115ai7t in sports
fijozico t1_j911vox wrote
Apparently he was due to fly to France that same night, but canceled it to enjoy the positivity after his late winner. 12 hours later he’d be buried underneath the rubble…
VonFalcon t1_j91c653 wrote
Man, that's the inverse of the people who were late for work on 9/11. Sad but you can't really control these things, RIP
jughandle10 t1_j91cqk9 wrote
Awful news :(. He was so crafty on the ball.
Reddit040 t1_j91cu9j wrote
I remember when he was one of the top talents in Europe. My team, Olympiakos, had been tied with him during a few summer transfer windows. Sad to hear this.
[deleted] t1_j91f8o6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j91gtyx wrote
[deleted] t1_j91jime wrote
everestsam98 t1_j91k9yu wrote
Surely you could have just googled this? He's a football player from Ghana. He is well known from his time playing in the Premier League.
Thippo2 t1_j91kukl wrote
I mean the title could of at least put his full name.
Edit: downvoting me cause I called out a title is pretty cringe. We should want the title to be clear.
[deleted] t1_j91kvm1 wrote
kidgrifter t1_j91ky9f wrote
Wow. You just never know when it’s going to be your turn. RIP
[deleted] t1_j91l37k wrote
blxckhoodie999 t1_j91mpls wrote
i see you used “could of” — that’s not a phrase. what you’re looking for is “could’ve”, a contraction of the words “could” & “have”
bleep bloop i’m not even a bot, just learn grammar
TheRealBillyShakes t1_j91n8w6 wrote
We saw “Atsu” and didn’t know what the F- that was. It didn’t look like a name or anything. “Christian Atsu” would have worked much better.
PM-ME-RED-HAIR t1_j91ngmw wrote
Yes, Atsu Found. Surely a great man.
drizzle933 t1_j91nrtq wrote
I mean on a post about someone dying, that’s what you comment? That’s you’re gripe?
[deleted] t1_j91nyp4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j91o4au wrote
Thippo2 t1_j91obi1 wrote
Bruh grammar literally does not matter on the internet lol + merriam webster says you can use it
takeastatscourse t1_j91ocob wrote
I knew I was confused for good reason - I remember reading he had been reported found alive last week:
[deleted] t1_j91ofvv wrote
Neverstoptostare t1_j91ohuj wrote
You could of not been a chode about it 😘
[deleted] t1_j91olhq wrote
Juls317 t1_j91oqis wrote
Almost like you could have clicked the link to the article and had the answer to your question.
Sapphire_Sky_ t1_j91ow7y wrote
From the article:
"In the aftermath of the quake, Hatayspor initially reported Atsu had been rescued "with injuries", but a day later that position changed."
[deleted] t1_j91p310 wrote
Puppystomper420 t1_j91pcqw wrote
Anarcho_punk217 t1_j91pimv wrote
Or just read the comments on the post he commented on, like I did to find out who it was.
[deleted] t1_j91pxp2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j91qh6g wrote
[deleted] t1_j91rj9z wrote
[deleted] t1_j91rqrp wrote
yosoydorf t1_j91su2p wrote
Yes - so you’re acknowledging that the article itself has a better title than this reddit post
[deleted] t1_j91sud8 wrote
TubbyMarmot t1_j91t029 wrote
You do not, but corrupt governments with lax building codes speed the process along. Many deaths could have been avoided.
I really need to emphasize that this isn't just a Turkish problem, as a giant chemical cloud sits 45 minutes south of my hometown.
[deleted] t1_j91taib wrote
drizzle933 t1_j91tiza wrote
If you click on the article, you’ll see his whole name. Its weird how instead of showing compassion for Turkey, and the people affected by the earthquake. You start talking about what YOU want. This isn’t about you. Your opinion is not important.
Thippo2 t1_j91u9p3 wrote
Bruh your opinion doesn’t matter either It’s a bad title and that’s a fact. look at the sub and you will see a ton of posts with full names why not this one?
drizzle933 t1_j91ue3n wrote
WHO CARES ABOUT THE TITLE!! Someone died jfc what is wrong with you
I didn’t know who he was either… so I clicked on the article and read it.. then figured it out. It’s not up to others to fill in for your laziness.
placebotwo t1_j91vdaz wrote
The US infrastructure as a whole is fuct - but trying to fix our roads and rails doesn't line the pockets of our elected officals as well as LMT, NOC, RTX, et al.
auntieup t1_j91vm8i wrote
I don’t understand how this could have happened. Either a person is located or they’re not. Why did the club make the statement saying he’d been rescued? Does anyone know?
LilJapKid t1_j91vp06 wrote
Man I remember his Newcastle and Chelsea days. Always thought he played decent for them. Sad to hear this, RIP Christian Atsu
Thippo2 t1_j91vti3 wrote
Man if you want bad titles that’s your choice. I want a better internet for everyone and most people don’t read the actual article. It’s weird that you wouldn’t say someone’s full name when they die Simple as that.
It’s a matter of respect. You may not respect names but the title could mean anyone in his family.
drizzle933 t1_j91w47p wrote
The irony of you talking about disrespect on this post as you say “who” when someone’s dead lol
Thippo2 t1_j91wbcv wrote
That literally wasn’t me are you stupid + every other time this guy got mentioned on this sub they used Christian Atsu not Atsu
You are brain dead
phauxbert t1_j91whov wrote
Maybe rtfa?
Puppystomper420 t1_j91wlkt wrote
drizzle933 t1_j91xcy4 wrote
It’s really sad how in all your responses you’ve tried to insult me lol. It just shows the lowest level of arguing and it shows very low intelligence. When people refer to others, last names are suffice. It would be “disrespectful” if they said Christian died I guess. But really who cares, you’re arguing just to argue and have the last word but really, someone died and that’s fucking sad.
Thippo2 t1_j91y7cd wrote
You don’t even know who you’re replying to that’s pretty disrespectful. There’s a reason when this guy had clips posted on here they used his full name.
You have to be stupid too not even know who you’re talking too
drizzle933 t1_j91ycyc wrote
The article said 40,000 have died in Turkey and Syria from the earthquakes if you clicked on it and read it
Kcguy00 t1_j91ykdk wrote
Bro, the government said it was safe. Trust them lol
mackinoncougars t1_j91z9v0 wrote
Google exists. Hell, maybe even… read the actual article…
Puppystomper420 t1_j91zcui wrote
Can’t ask people here without them getting offended?
everestsam98 t1_j91zrs6 wrote
Lots of downvotes for some reason, but you're right. Unless you're talking about Adele, Messi, Lebron etc, including both names should be expected. Very confused why all the downvotes here
70125 t1_j91zy0y wrote
Fog of war
DizzyDifference665 t1_j9205kl wrote
A black man was found in the same city as Atsu and they incorrectly identified him as Atsu.
[deleted] t1_j921gau wrote
Thippo2 t1_j921mzt wrote
And? What are you even trying to say here
I’ve clicked on the article that’s how I know it has a better title then what op put
Like I’ve dumbfounded as to why you are bringing this up?
Thippo2 t1_j9226jw wrote
Even then I think if one of those people we’re to die we should use there full names in the title. It’s just a respect thing
[deleted] t1_j922pp2 wrote
InternOwn2711 t1_j9248f5 wrote
I hope you’re being sarcastic
Datmuemue t1_j9250tz wrote
Want a better internet for everyone. Also calls people idiots. I believe him yo. I don't know why, but I do
[deleted] t1_j925272 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9253ml wrote
We gotta fix the world first lol
[deleted] t1_j9256sm wrote
[deleted] t1_j925ajv wrote
[deleted] t1_j925diy wrote
[deleted] t1_j925mv8 wrote
Thippo2 t1_j925w5d wrote
Well if someone’s a idiot they should be called out. Notice how that wasn’t the first comment.
If I opened with calling a idiot then yeah that wouldn’t be a better internet but sometimes people need a kick to learn something
t0ps0il t1_j926jus wrote
> Surely you could have just googled this?
Or just clicked the article and read the first paragraph.
Theometer1 t1_j927q3e wrote
It’s actually supposed to be ‘and’ instead of a plus sign. That is usually reserved for math.
drizzle933 t1_j927tpk wrote
Because he was one of them…
Holy shit its realllyyyyy painful talking to you.
YnwaMquc2k19 t1_j9283sx wrote
May he rest in peace.
[deleted] t1_j928acg wrote
Thippo2 t1_j928si6 wrote
I know but it’s the internet and I’m not being graded
What’s with all the grammar nazis on this post
Theometer1 t1_j928wvb wrote
You are though, you scored a -97 on the last comment.
Thippo2 t1_j9291ea wrote
And? When did I say he wasn’t?
You just randomly brought up the numbers
All I said was it would be more respectful to say his full name and would help people understand the post better
What is wrong with you
Puppystomper420 t1_j9293ad wrote
Sorry BBC is blocked here
DrDankDankDank t1_j929a5d wrote
There’s one party specifically stopping progress. The republicans. It’s not a both sides thing.
Thippo2 t1_j929h2g wrote
Fake internet points lol
Do you really care?
Mp32pingi25 t1_j929mxj wrote
Aaand fixing the infrastructure could and probably will line the pockets of some politicians. I’m mean we should absolutely fix it but there will be closed door deals with that stuff
Ju-Peter t1_j92a13r wrote
[deleted] t1_j92a56c wrote
[deleted] t1_j92a9u7 wrote
Theometer1 t1_j92ac7a wrote
I care about these points about as much as you care about your education. Which evidently, you put little thought or care into educating yourself.
Thippo2 t1_j92bcwj wrote
The internet is filled with slang fella
If you can’t stand people using + in a sentence get off the fucking Internet
Why are you guys even mad that I said to put a guys full name?
Do you all hate being respectful of the dead?
[deleted] t1_j92biyr wrote
Theometer1 t1_j92bo7h wrote
I am, but you’re more worried about the title and people grammar checking you, I noticed your in like three different arguments about this. That’s actually hilarious.
Thippo2 t1_j92bylg wrote
Because people keep on going after me.
It’s a bad title and you shouldn’t defend it
Grammar nazis are stupid and that’s all that matters lol
DrDankDankDank t1_j92cecu wrote
Same as it ever was. I figure fuck it, if pockets are going to be lined anyways let’s at least line them for getting needed shit done.
Theometer1 t1_j92ck7q wrote
Yeah grammars stoopid I can get my point across with run on sentences and no punctuation just tcob in this comment thread man honestly why would anyone use proper grammar is in it easier to read one long sentence that does nit make any sense, eh should of would of could of
[deleted] t1_j92dg35 wrote
Demo_PT t1_j92dv0j wrote
RIP Atsu 🙏
[deleted] t1_j92dwdl wrote
Theometer1 t1_j92ewb3 wrote
No, it’s just that the title in the link says the guys name. So everyone can tell you didn’t even put the effort in to click the link, but still come into the comments like ‘Who?’. Kinda makes you look pretty dumb.
spaghettify t1_j92g7ks wrote
yeah einstein except only the government says the giant black cloud of poison that killed every animal in some radius is safe. (in this case the buildings that clearly fail modern safety codes) whereas the government and scientists, disease experts, and millions of people who only benefitted from getting the vaccine all agree that it is safe. but sure. sheeeeeeple or whatever. have fun dying of covid ig
maaku7 t1_j92ihsl wrote
Out here in California we're an effective one-party Democratic state, and we've spent $100 billion on a high speed rail project without anything to show for it, due to corruption. It is absolutely a both sides thing.
Deedledroxx t1_j92iqle wrote
[deleted] t1_j92j7i3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j92jrwp wrote
Mp32pingi25 t1_j92jv6x wrote
[deleted] t1_j92llhx wrote
[deleted] t1_j92maie wrote
Brsijraz t1_j92mhx3 wrote
it’s funny how these idiots pop up outside of their safe spaces expecting regular people to think their mind numbingly stupid ideas make sense
auntieup t1_j92ms04 wrote
Thank you. Also, how awful for his family and friends. 💔
SecureCucumber t1_j92ns26 wrote
[deleted] t1_j92p6n0 wrote
DizzyDifference665 t1_j92pdxn wrote
Yup. My heart goes out to everyone who suffered. Reports say that Atsu was supposed to fly out to France, but he delayed because of a great game he had and wanted to celebrate it.
Datmuemue t1_j92pwqs wrote
I do not believe calling someone an idiot is a thing to do. There are plenty of ways to go about getting your thoughts and you chose to do it in a rude manner. Good news for you though, we seem to be in the better internet which you want
Tanduvanwinkle t1_j92qrcc wrote
Star footballer, Atsu Jones, found dead in Turkey quake rubble. See. Even I can do it!
DrDankDankDank t1_j92quo6 wrote
Which party just blocked the huge federal infrastructure bill again?
Antique_Serve_6284 t1_j92r22c wrote
Oof. A swing and a miss 😂
[deleted] t1_j92s5dv wrote
Puppystomper420 t1_j92scqx wrote
Well news flash most people are dumb. Don’t be intelligenceist.
HCN_Mist t1_j92vixp wrote
I think the guys point is that you can spend the money and end up with the same thing.
DrDankDankDank t1_j92vsoy wrote
I agree. I just hate the “both sides” thing when one is clearly and demonstrably worse than the other overall. But yeah, I agree with him that 100B on a train that doesn’t exist is some seriously corrupt bullshit.
firemage22 t1_j92wcpe wrote
And the Cleveland River catching fire once lead to regulation, sadly we won't see any changes due to our corrupt house and sec Pete nit wanting to piss of the future donors of his 2024 carpetbag senate run or his 28 wh run
blxckhoodie999 t1_j930t41 wrote
you really gonna run with “should of” aren’t you lmao
FoundThatEssenceRare t1_j930tx6 wrote
The common denominator here is scientific consensus, not government advocacy
blxckhoodie999 t1_j9318zk wrote
oh! the world revolves around you, how could we forget!! silly op - how could you even THINK of conceiving a title that hippo can’t understand, shame on you!
[deleted] t1_j931a2l wrote
[deleted] t1_j931h08 wrote
Rectal_Fungi t1_j931ijp wrote
Thippo2 t1_j931rq5 wrote
We have different beliefs. That’s great to hear
Some people need a a kick in the ass and that’s my opinion.
Notice how I didn’t start off by calling him a idiot only after he showed himself. Lol
Thippo2 t1_j931ynx wrote
That got your point across didn’t it
If you want to use Reddit professionally that’s on you
Rectal_Fungi t1_j9321hv wrote
I ain't clickin on that, I know what BBC means.
TacoExcellence t1_j932gog wrote
Oh good someone is shoehorning their stupid political views into an unrelated conversation! They must be an intelligent, well-informed person!
[deleted] t1_j934bp3 wrote
InternOwn2711 t1_j935qrf wrote
I don’t understand why I got downvoted for implying that we shouldn’t trust the government
OnMyWayBy t1_j9365pu wrote
[deleted] t1_j936cqo wrote
[deleted] t1_j936of5 wrote
Kinimodes t1_j936slv wrote
" them lol"
Thippo2 t1_j938xpa wrote
Every other post about this uses his full name.
I’m not the only one who didn’t understand the title. This didn’t even start with my comment
Can you give a good reason why this post doesn’t use his full name?
Even r/PremierLeague uses his full name where more people will know him
vascoFT t1_j93a4qk wrote
Portuguese champion in 2013 with FCPorto.
blxckhoodie999 t1_j93a7xy wrote
no i can’t because it doesn’t fucking matter and you’re being odd on an internet forum lmao. go touch grass, fresh air helps
AKravr t1_j93aljs wrote
I didn't know Biden was a Republican when he crushed the rail workers strike.
Thippo2 t1_j93dfhx wrote
Listen man it does matter this is how I and I assume others found out about this guy in the first place.
You should respect the dead that simple. You’re free to not respect the dead but I do
[deleted] t1_j93ehru wrote
Bitter_Sense_5689 t1_j93eq9a wrote
Corrupt government with lax building codes in earthquake zones. The Hagia Sophia has stood for over 1000 years. People know how to make earthquake resistant buildings; they just choose not to
Datmuemue t1_j93eqki wrote
Do you consider yourself someone that "needs a kick in the ass"?
ThatDinosaucerLife t1_j93exyy wrote
Both sides are bad, one is worse than the other.
No one has to be a hero here.
MainlyPardoo t1_j93gc47 wrote
Meanwhile you have Buttegieg acting like he can't do anything about transportation... as the secretary of transportation. And Biden blocked the strike, of course. It's both parties. It is 100% a both sides thing. Trump cut the regulations, and Biden and Buttegieg have done NOTHING to help the people of Ohio.
[deleted] t1_j93izza wrote
[deleted] t1_j93jnpd wrote
RilynnRae t1_j93jo4o wrote
In the amount of time there was to test the vaccine, there was plenty of consensus. But it no way did the data show the vaccine was what you think it was.
Occulus1975 t1_j93k52r wrote
Hurr hurrr durr showed me sure Hurr Hurr durr
[deleted] t1_j93l7wq wrote
TSIDATSI t1_j93ncvi wrote
Derailment was an accident. We have a fire in Moody Al been burning since Dec. started by lightening.
People and animals very sick. Had to leave home. Afraid to return.
The real problem?
City could do nothing until state Dept of Environmental Services approved.
State DES could do nothing until EPA and FEMA approved. Federal government does nothing between Thanksgiving and after New Year's. Not to mention working from home.
So the teeny tiny toxic chemicals fire in a landfill that could have been put out by the local volunteer fire dept is now a roaring blaze, displacing families, spreading toxins and unable to be doused.
The problem is us. We the People who voted clowns into office (I hate to disparage clowns).
Rectal_Fungi t1_j93rhxi wrote
ScarPirate t1_j93v0bg wrote
During the 2020 election, i was quoted as saying "If i wanted to vote republican, I'd vote for Biden"
2 years in, and i still maintain that position.
probock t1_j93veit wrote
Who’s Atsu?
[deleted] t1_j93w4jw wrote
DrDankDankDank t1_j93xke9 wrote
Yeah that was a bitch move on his part. Still a better track record than the republicans by like 1000%.
DrDankDankDank t1_j93xnq1 wrote
I love how I’m getting downvoted just for pointing out the truth though.
DrDankDankDank t1_j93xslx wrote
But it’s not equal dude. Both sides are bad. One side is much worse.
Thippo2 t1_j94171o wrote
For what? Wanting to respect the dead?
Datmuemue t1_j944201 wrote
I see you're skirting around my question, but I think I know the answer here.
Thippo2 t1_j945rl4 wrote
Not skirting around I want you to clarify
kobeftw t1_j947jtw wrote
First and foremost rip Atsu. Out of curiosity I searched his clubs Instagram... and it was heartbreaking to see multiple post regarding members of their team who have passed due to the earthquake including a 14 year old and 15 year old. A lot of these soccer/football/futbol clubs have youth teams... so sad.
MainlyPardoo t1_j94aiwq wrote
I never said they were 100% equals, I just said that both sides are at fault.
merchantsc t1_j94bcwr wrote
Wow, I’d offer you some salve for the burn you just got but it certainly looks like it didn’t hurt at all.
If his marks were meant to be cutting I’d tell him he’d better sharpen the knife because the one being used isn’t fit for butter.
Datmuemue t1_j94buds wrote
clarify what? I asked you a simple question: Do you yourself view yourself as a person that needs a kick in the ass?
Thippo2 t1_j94csog wrote
Why would I need a kick in the ass? I just want people to respect a dead guy.
It’s not that hard
DrDankDankDank t1_j94cw14 wrote
Fair enough
5kyl3r t1_j94kw4v wrote
one side is way worse, especially with human rights and human decency related topcis, but you're right, it's mostly just politicians. the people who'd be great at it are usually like "fuck that". the shitty people that see an opportunity to use it to get rich are the ones that often end up in politics, unfortunately. and that's shitty about the rail thing, that's actually a thing russia has done many times. the metro station in chelyabinsk is a big example of this. millions of tax money going into it, decades later, still nothing, every so often, when the corrupt want more money, they bring the topic back up, make a big splash in the media about it, get more tax money, rinse and repeat
Datmuemue t1_j94p7u9 wrote
I'm not asking if you do. I'm asking, from your perspective, would you need one? But you don't wanna answer the question even though anyone reading your replies knows the answer lol.
lord_pizzabird t1_j94s4xi wrote
Tbf it has historically been a both sides thing. Republicans often stand in the way or de-regulate, while Democrats have been notorious for just not doing 'the thing' whenever in power.
If we don't stop trying to shy away from the reality that both parties are ruining this country we'll never be able to fix these core problems.
Change is going to require what's known as a realignment election, which is where a major third party emerges, or the parties ideological alignment is redefined.
DrDankDankDank t1_j94s8i6 wrote
What is “the thing” that they don’t do while in power?
lord_pizzabird t1_j94to90 wrote
The most famous example that comes up was refusing to codify abortion rights, which they had several opportunities to do across a 50 year window.
It's part of a larger trend where Democrats in power often don't do certain things, especially if popular with little or no explanation given.
[deleted] t1_j94vlwf wrote
ND_82 t1_j963wpp wrote
Well it’s still a very inaccurate opinion. Is he great? Nope. Is he a Republican? Not at all.
[deleted] t1_j96fkl7 wrote
brettsolem t1_j96h9rc wrote
Californians voted for the high-speed rail when it was clearly unreasonable and unnecessary. Just dumb voters.
ankisaves t1_j96mhy5 wrote
Yeahhh the propaganda programming has only become more and more effective at convincing people to vote against their own interests. Been a problem for a long time, but these algorithms work on all of us, even when we are aware of their effect, it still affects us subconsciously.
Those who think they are impervious are generally the most pliable.
ankisaves t1_j96n6hn wrote
Combination of post hoc and begging the question fallacies.
brain_slut t1_j96o5br wrote
But if you don’t say that outright how can anyone tell it’s sarcastic?
maaku7 t1_j97d5kl wrote
There is significant transit need for a high speed rail connection between Los Angeles and San Francisco. That is what voters agreed to.
Of course, lobbyists got in the way and what actually happened was an unfinished Sacramento <-> Bakersfield line that nobody will use.
brettsolem t1_j97gv4k wrote
I don’t agree with the significant need. Hour flights between Burbank to Oak are and have been cost reasonable and traffic between and outside the cities does not suffer congestion problems. It would make more sense between LA and SD.
AnorakJimi t1_j987wx7 wrote
That's not why you got downvoted.
Thippo2 t1_j997e7x wrote
I don’t need a kick in ass You need a kick in the ass You deadbeat
JohnWhatsoon t1_j9c3q19 wrote
I don’t know who that is
drizzle933 t1_ja7mns7 wrote
So don’t comment. You have nothing to contribute.
And of course you delete your comments 😂
serimert t1_j90wzym wrote
He scored a goal 1-2 todays before from long freekick