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AGreatBandName t1_jado5b2 wrote

Video of all the biathlon World Cup (a series of races for top competitors throughout each winter) and world championships races are free at

The biathlon world championships were just held a week or two ago. There are several different formats of races - interval starts where each person competes individually and whoever has the best time at the end wins, relays with either same-gender or mixed-gender, and a mass start where everyone starts at once and the first across the line wins.

The men’s and women’s mass starts were both particularly good this year, they’d be a good introduction to biathlon imo.


There’s also /r/biathlon but I don’t really go on there much so I can’t vouch for it myself.


Edit: the link for the men’s race doesn’t work right, this one will take you directly to the video:


Frankishism t1_jaeqwza wrote

Biathlon is a big deal for me because it was the first sport where I enjoyed watching men’s and women events equally, and then I realized my gender bias in sports and changed my attitude across the board. I was a younger teenager at the time, so always a bit thankful. Also I hope the U.S. gets a medal soon.