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vladimirpwnn t1_jb5m6rp wrote

As a raiders fan, I hope he comes in and whoops our ass every single season until he retires.


SoCalThrowAway7 t1_jb5rl8t wrote

Saints and raiders have only played each other 15 times since 1971, so probably won’t happen every single season


davisyoung t1_jb6gnq0 wrote

Saints shut out the Raiders last season so they won’t play again in the regular season until 2026 at Las Vegas, unless both teams finish in the same place in their respective divisions this upcoming season in which case they will play the following season (2024) at New Orleans.


SoCalThrowAway7 t1_jb6h5g6 wrote

Is that how it works? Interesting


MkeBucksMarkPope t1_jb6xy9g wrote

Yep! Only starting last year I believe, did they add an extra non-conference game. Due to the extra 17th game. Before that, it was on a 4 year cycle. Which it still is of course, just the added 1 that could potentially happen and cause them to play sooner.

If things really get crazy they could of course meet in the Super Bowl. And lastly at astronomical odds, if there was division realignment. Like how some years back, Tampa Bay moved from the NFC North (which made total sense right?) And Seattle from the AFC, to the NFC. It shouldn’t happen, but will get interesting if the NFL does decide to add a few expansion franchises in the future.


rar4110 t1_jb86fgk wrote

Technically, the NFC central. Although, every other team in that division formed the NFC North