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MattWey t1_jbjkypr wrote

No joke, I wonder if a lot of his injures could be avoided if he had a bit more mass? We seen other players twist their ankle like that and walk it off, but KD's legs just keep on giving up.


HeisenbergBlueOG t1_jbjoejc wrote

Bro looks exactly the same as he did when he entered the league. Doesn't look he puts any effort whatsoever in improving his physique 🤣


YJeezy t1_jbk0g02 wrote

He's huge vs his rookie year. Dude used to be 2D.


Silverjackal_ t1_jbk1m7s wrote

Nah, he’s added some muscle weight. I’ve seen him in person when he was at Texas, and in person a couple of years ago.


Quiet_Overlord t1_jbk2ynj wrote

Yeah who knows this might be because he's actually clean instead of on PED's.

It at least seems that Durant's physique used to be a lot more common than the beasts that walk of the locker rooms these days...


belizeanheat t1_jbkdtx0 wrote

Kevin Durant with his shirt off looks like a wet dish cloth. It's insane that he's one of the greatest ever while looking like some abnormally weak blend of prepubescent and geriatric.

But seriously, everyone talking about his frame and stuff... He's just old and has a history of a couple bad injuries. That shit is never the same again


someguyprobably t1_jbk0iqh wrote

Yep. And that’s part of why he will never be remembered as one of the greats. One of the most talented? Sure. But not a great one, not a top 10. A debatable top 25. He will fade slowly into irrelevance soon after he retires. Sad but true. He wishes he were Bron but he’s not. He’s Steph curry’s accessory, he’s the nets kryptonite, he’s just a cupcake.


Practical_Monk_769 t1_jbpljjf wrote

Ok and who tf are you? You won’t even be forgotten bc no one remembers you today lmao


rjcarr t1_jbk52b1 wrote

I mean, he twisted his ankle. It doesn't really matter how heavy I am, I can vary by about 50 lbs, but my ankles are always skin and bone. Looking at this guy's ankles, he seems the same way. More mass would just put more force on the ankles.


Smellmyhand t1_jbky790 wrote

If he weighed what people who say this type of stuff think he should weigh, he never would’ve came back from that broken foot.


MattWey t1_jbl10s7 wrote

How do you know that? My question was coming from actual curiosity and as far as I heard, with correct training you can increase not just muscle size and strength but joint, ligament and tendon strength.

Of course KD has word class trainers and specialist, but does he follow their advice? Knowing his antics he probably doesn't.


second_time_again t1_jbjq5j5 wrote

I don’t see how more weight coming down on an ankle as it turns would’ve helped. It’s not like the tendons are less prone to injury if someone puts on muscle (or fat).


DM725 t1_jbjs3sa wrote

Actually if you're lower body is more muscular it takes the load off of your joints, ligaments and tendons.


ballsohaahd t1_jbk3yxi wrote

He’s an nba basketball player he obviously has strong legs, skinny legs can still be strong Durant was quite athletic in his 20s.

He went to step not even very hard and either his shoe slipped or got caught and his ankle rolled over. ‘More muscular’ legs wouldn’t help that plus he just came back from his knee injury so legs could have been a little heavy.


DM725 t1_jbk4elb wrote

Constant lower body injuries is a sign.


ballsohaahd t1_jbk5965 wrote

He had little until he hurt his Achilles, but agreed knee sprains in back to back years aren’t good signs.