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DM725 t1_jbjs3sa wrote

Actually if you're lower body is more muscular it takes the load off of your joints, ligaments and tendons.


ballsohaahd t1_jbk3yxi wrote

He’s an nba basketball player he obviously has strong legs, skinny legs can still be strong Durant was quite athletic in his 20s.

He went to step not even very hard and either his shoe slipped or got caught and his ankle rolled over. ‘More muscular’ legs wouldn’t help that plus he just came back from his knee injury so legs could have been a little heavy.


DM725 t1_jbk4elb wrote

Constant lower body injuries is a sign.


ballsohaahd t1_jbk5965 wrote

He had little until he hurt his Achilles, but agreed knee sprains in back to back years aren’t good signs.