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commonemitter t1_jcfvsmm wrote

Normies cant wrap their mind around athletes using PEDs, they still think you can succeed without drug use, or somehow drug use alone is enough to get you there


AccountantNotEditor t1_jcgnp9t wrote

People in general have very little understanding on how these types of drugs work. There’s a certain mythos of sorts that over time has been built up around them, as if anyone who takes these drugs will suddenly begin looking like they’re ready to compete in regional bodybuilding shows, or that they will make you Superman in any sport.

The truth is that PEDs and steroids are going to make a notable difference in those athletes who are also putting in the effort and who have the discipline required to stay at the top of their game, but your average Joe isn’t going to suddenly become an all star. When you’ve got all of these competitors who are already among the 99.9th percentile at their game, the difference between who gets a shot to be something big and who doesn’t can often times be the difference of whether they’re taking those drugs or not. It’s honestly a sad state of affairs, knowing what these drugs can do to your body long-term, but it’s also a very understandable choice.