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ughlacrossereally t1_jdj0pzw wrote

more reasonable would be giving the players an opportunity to rate the officials at the end of each season and bottom 10% are out of the league


ntilikina4thewin t1_jdj15d2 wrote

New refs would suffer the most so the old ones stay. The loss of refs is what has been a huge deal in the poor ref performance.


ughlacrossereally t1_jdj1dgt wrote

I disagree... the problem IS the old blood Refs who think they are bigger than the game. It would also incentivize even calling of games (as each players vote is equal) and more respect in regard to calling Technical fouls.


GroinShotz t1_jdjokz0 wrote

Refs have too much power to influence the game... In any sport... American Football is probably the worst, slightly ahead of Basketball.


ughlacrossereally t1_jdjqotm wrote

not that it matters but I think you are not correct about NFL reffing. They are willing to review the calls with video often. The NFL problem imo is that they have made the rules so technical that it has kind of lost the spirit of the game. Specifically, things like the way they define what is a catch and what is a fumble vs an incomplete pass. Not to say that they dont get it wrong but NBA refs have basically full subjectivity because almost any play can be called for any contact. but again just my opinion.


GroinShotz t1_jdk779a wrote

I'm saying the consequences of the call in the NFL probably are much harsher than than that of an NBA call.

I.E. a turnover in football matters way more than a turnover in the NBA


ntilikina4thewin t1_jdj4tpq wrote

My bad in my mind I added balance to your suggestion like players vote then they check the tape with the rules of the game which will have a higher impact on new refs. Now that I reread it that’s fucking stupid the players rate the officials. It’s not going to be based on fairness the player vote would be in how the official refed their game. CP3 is like 0- a million when foster refs but when they check the tapes the calls comeback overwhelming correct. There’s more no calls than anything. I’m all for descending technicals and using technology to help ref, but like coach SVG said the verbal abuse is ridiculous.


ughlacrossereally t1_jdj5chw wrote

I do agree the votes would be biased but you'd think that the biases would cancel out. So if CP3 hates one ref and rates him poorly, the perceived bias against CP3 should benefit someone else who then likes that ref.

personally, I'd just like to ditch Scott Foster. That fuck was 100% involved in the Tim Donaghy shit and it is outrageous that he is still a ref


Butt_Snorkler_Elite t1_jdj2qj1 wrote

The refs the players all hate are old guard… Scott Foster, Ben Taylor, etc


gooberstwo t1_jdjgwff wrote

The players who hate them are the guys who get away with more bullshit with other crews.


solitarium t1_jdkftxo wrote

Sounds like an argument for tenured educators. It didn’t work there and it doesn’t work in professional sports.