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LDKCP t1_je07lak wrote

I hope they are serious and this isn't just sabre rattling.


sharkutterzero t1_je1b4we wrote

some context: currently a lot of global fencing is run by ex-Soviet fencers who fled for one reason or another. so already, there is not much love for Russia in the sport outside of Russia. Ukraine in particular is a cornerstone of the sport having many of the best forges historically, and a huge number of fencers come out of the country. So there is a lot of pro-Ukraine attitude in the sport. Even some Russians who have fenced recently for ROC, have since left the country and spoke out against Ukraine.

however, Russia also is a huge monetary influence in fencing, with an oligarch having run the FIE for the past decade basically out of pocket. this is why the decisions made by the board don't necessarily reflect the attitudes of fencers.


mikedarling905 t1_je1oext wrote

meh i dont care if they compete or not. i live in canada if they do or not does not hinder or make my life better. so i dont see a problem, not that my opinion would matter since i live in canada.


Bigworm4444 t1_je2khxv wrote

Do you know why both sides hate each other? I see the kid repping a “Z”… someone from the other side could have harmed his family in the past. Also is this for every sport? I don’t know the whole picture so I can’t really make an uninformed decision based on what the media provides me 😊


H0vis t1_je39clw wrote

Is it weird that I hoped they all signed by carving their initials with the point of their swords on a convenient surface?


covano32 t1_je3e3jf wrote

Dont waste your time on these people. Nuanced geopolitical discussions arent in the cards for them. They get their world view from the news and know nothing about the world


kodaiko_650 t1_je3ptx1 wrote

Maybe they can collectively build a fence to keep the Russians out


covano32 t1_je3yz2z wrote

Yeah okay. America is a nice country that doesnt get involved in every other nation overseas! Including Ukraine where we overthrew their government and put in a friendly government less than 10 years ago. You don't even know what is happening little buddy. Its a complicated matter.


cavecricket49 t1_je3z6eu wrote

Now you're just being delusional, this is the first time I've stumbled onto this topic. Also, please elaborate on "western propaganda"? Do you subscribe to the narrative that somehow Russia is "rescuing" Ukrainian children and that labeling the perpetrators as criminal is incorrect?


covano32 t1_je41iyy wrote

Lol if you haven't figured out the western media is just propoganda then I cant help you. I subscribe to the narrative of the truth. Like i said, if you know you know. Eastern Ukraine didnt like that we overthrew their government, they didnt recognize the new Government (Zelensky), so he persecutes them for political reasons. Believe what you want though honestly. The world is going to burn soon anyways. And I cant wait. You deserve it.

There is your team of good guys.


cavecricket49 t1_je5czas wrote

> if you know you know

In your case, it's just cope homeboy.

> he persecutes them for political reasons

Damn, is that what you kiddos call it? Talk about a persecution complex lmfao you guys will try to spin anything (Such as invading another country) as making Russia the victims. Wake buddy, you're just a bunch of pricks. Seriously, you cry, bitch, and moan about "oh world is gonna burn" while playing with matches, did you break all the mirrors in a ten kilometer radius just to avoid confronting your own hypocrisy? Sit down, boy.


Dave-Schultz t1_je5vtag wrote

Well you seem to be trying to make a point, but it’s not coming through. You’ve decided to call me an idiot for asking the simple question “what?”. It’s clear you are emotionally invested in your argument.


covano32 t1_je6bs07 wrote

Wow listen to yourself. If only you knew. You think because Russians are subjected to propoganda, we can't be as well? Thats absolutley the level of intellect I expect from you people. I had no idea only one of the nations on Earth had propoganda. Wild. You probably believe America has free markets too how cute!


cavecricket49 t1_je6duzz wrote

Way to resort to screeching about "projection" in... what, the span of two posts? Chill boy, start making sense and maybe then adults will acknowledge you as potentially human. What am I coping about exactly, the fact you're so brain damaged it's hilarious?


ggigfad5 t1_je7513r wrote

David, go back to the start and read the whole thread and think about why you replied to me in the first place. I'm not going to walk you through basic reading comprehension because you don't understand the thread. Maybe you shouldn't have stuck your nose here in the first place.


Dave-Schultz t1_je7k282 wrote

Why do you feel entitled to this environment? First you state that a man’s opinion doesn’t matter, then proceed to give your opinion on the writer themselves. Now you’re telling me not to “stick my nose in here”. This is Reddit, not your home dwelling.

What are you arguing about? Why are you so emotionally invested in this argument.


Dave-Schultz t1_je7rjoc wrote

You do have a problem with the sharing of opinions. You scolded the original commenter by telling him is opinion doesnt matter. Then you continued to personally insult him for no reason.


Dave-Schultz t1_je7w1pg wrote

By responding and calling him a “very selfish person” based on their opinion, that which you said it shouldn’t have even been shared.

But even this is a dodge to the real issue, in that you feel entitled to this environment to the point of thinking your opinion is anymore valid then anyone else’s.

If his opinion doesn’t matter, why does yours? This is my biggest question.


ggigfad5 t1_je7wuy9 wrote

>“very selfish person"

But Dave, you said I continued to insult him. This is the first insult; hardly a continuation. Get your story straight.


>in that you feel entitled to this environment to the point of thinking your opinion is anymore valid then anyone else’s

Lol. Hypocrite much?


Dave-Schultz t1_je7xssy wrote

I stated prior that I don’t think any of our opinions actually matter in the given context. Only the athletes that signed the petition have an actual meaningful opinion in the matter. We are simply commenting and giving our opinions to Reddit.

Our opinions matter no more or less with each other within this context. I would hope you agree.


covano32 t1_je872v0 wrote

Yeah you dont understand. Its okay. The same people who run the ICC run the media and banks and the world. Now enjoy being a peasant mouthpiece, on their behalf.


cavecricket49 t1_je8ukcu wrote

I don't get how you can cry about me somehow being wrong when you're acting as a Kremlin mouthpiece. You're being this dumb by choice, right? I can't imagine how any organism with a brain would be this dumb by birth, a rat has more brainpower than what you've displayed so far.


Bigworm4444 t1_jea8g2r wrote

Yeah I’m Mr. Krabs (an invertebrate) and I love me money, and it’s all being wasted on barnacles (Ukraine) that don’t help me country of Bikini USA which needs a lot. You should actually donate yourself to go fight since you’re such a nobleman and don’t care about your own home….

And yes that’s their problem not mine and shouldn’t be ours.


Bigworm4444 t1_jea946j wrote

Yes to both. I was literally telling someone not to be down on themselves and told them about a great book I read in the comments on some post and they went ham on my positivity (so many down votes)…. Now it’s like let me just be honest going forward because fuck these NPCs


covano32 t1_jeae63a wrote

Its a weird psychological experiment, reddit. People who want to be liked will surely alter their opinion because they will get ratio'd hard. For me it just confirms I'm correct lol people revile at the truth these days. Maintaining their bubble is most important.


cavecricket49 t1_jeas49s wrote

Saying that you're X does not automatically mean that you're X. You saying that you're objective in this case is the equivalent of just... you know... lying? I mean, I know you morons tend not to care about lying these days, but did you have to make it so obvious? Be convincing for once in your pathetic life as a Kremlin mouthpiece lmfao


Bigworm4444 t1_jeco0an wrote

I think they/hope they break that bubble or it gets burst once they lose a freedom they once enjoyed. And I agree with you about Reddit and weirdly what 4Chan is tying to do too. It’s working too well