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Taudruw t1_jeckr8t wrote

Aww, poor NY team can’t buy their way into a pro sports playoff every year due to a salary cap? How will they ever be good on an equal playing field?? I feel so bad for them.


MaimedJester t1_jecmzph wrote

I mean they're in the same division as the Patriots... I wouldn't call the Jets the Yankees of the NFL, they don't even have their own stadium they just play when the Giants are on away games.


Taudruw t1_jecnu96 wrote

My point is that they aren’t allowed to be the Mets/Yankees of the NFL because the NFL has a spending limit.


MichaelHoncho52 t1_jed2yla wrote

Only team that has dominated in the NFL is the Patriots - and I don’t see too many players outside of the early teams saying they enjoyed their time there. Boston sports has been 10x more prolific with salaried teams.

Also your argument is off - Mets last won 35+ years ago and the Giants, with a cap, have won 2 super bowls in the past 20. Bills have been good in NY with a cap.


ascagnel____ t1_jecob66 wrote

The Jets are the Devils/Islanders/Nets of the NFL — clearly less popular than a more established team (Rangers/Knicks).