
MaimedJester t1_jdyyalc wrote

That's what Charter row does for a city.

For some ridiculous reason I don't understand every chatter school private enterprise company tries to use Philadelphia as their testing grounds. And 90% of these for profit charter schools fail within 4 years. Like there's something about federal funding they're abusing to get somewhere. But it's absolutely nuts you go to Allegheny West and there been like 4 different schools under different management in the same building hiring Americorps volunteers over the last ten years. Starting up a school system from scratch is insane to comprehend the logistics. You're not just selling Burgers or Jeans to a customer who walks in, you're educating a child for an entire year and dealing with Chicken pox outbreaks or kids with Asperger's. You're not in a consumer based climate when it's just one annoying Karen yelling at the restaurant about garlic bread you can ask her to leave. You're stuck with a kid by law you have to contractually educate for a year and make a process to state overseers saying exactly why you expelled/recommend this kid for Alternative schooling.


MaimedJester t1_j2cm1cl wrote

Yeah there's also an unreliable narrator to when the Monster Tells Frankenstein about what he did between Frankenstein Fleeing and Abandoning him and when the Monster tracks him down ... Years later? He talks about the blind man in the farm and how he read some books he found and that taught him philosophy and literature and lists stuff like Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. (Which is one of those famous books about suicide)

But there's a very strange omission... Pretty much every house even the illiterate ones would have a Bible. Monster apparently never read the Bible or saw the Bible. Doesn't even bring it up.

So there's a lot of holes in the story where Dr. Frankenstein seriously thinks he might have allowed a literal Demon to posses a corpse. So the demon is lying to him and if he created the bride who knows what kind of Demon race would be unleashed on earth?

Not saying that's exactly what the text says, but it is a fair reading.


MaimedJester t1_iydnaee wrote

Yeah I had to buy a bunch of Robert Graves and Remarque first editions that were included with the set so I overpaid for them to get my hands on that particular copy. There's not even a bluebook value on a signed copy of the Mint because that's far into Lawrence's depression/mental illness days of his life before the motorcycle crash.


MaimedJester t1_iydlhrh wrote

Here's a fun adage for book keepers evaluation: if the author was dead by the time it was published the edition you have isn't worth much.

I stumbled upon a a copy of The Mint by T. E. Lawrence he signed as Shaw and I recognized the raitity of that at an estate sale and have no fucking idea how someone let that go through but I guess nobody freaking heard of Lawrence of Arabia's other novel and his preferred pen name post war.

But yeah Long story short if the author was dead by the time this edition was published it's not a collectors item..


MaimedJester t1_ix9c2yz wrote

Like we knew Russia was bad, and in Brazil there were other huge problems, but Qatar might be the worst location on earth to host international attention outside like the DMZ between North and South Korea or the Gaza Strip.

I don't think Qatar could possibly be ready for when their cops beat a Chinese and Canadian man to death for holding hands in the street going to a match...

There's going to be a murder by Qatar cops about something most of the the world considers a minor offense like drunk in public. Yeah I'd be fine with Drunk in public guy getting escorted into a paddy wagon and paying a fine when he wakes up next morning.

Qatar will probably beat that man to death on the street and someone's gonna catch video of it and cause international incident with random German citizen being killed by Qatar cops over nothing.


MaimedJester t1_ix9ass5 wrote

I remember when America made it out of group of Death and I was like well boys it was a good showing we made it group of 16 and we're gonna get our asses handed to us by...

Did Suarez just bite a player and will be banned from the next game? OMG United States male team might reach the Semi finals!


MaimedJester t1_itx3xl4 wrote

Oh back in the 90s these character actors on shows were everywhere. Armin Shemirman (probably Biggest role was Quark on Deep Space Nine) was in everything from like Principal in Buffy the Vampire Slayer to like a little Weasle politician in SG1. But my favorite clip of him is at a convention "So you've been on every sci-fi and fantasy show in the last decade which is the worst set you had to work with?'

"Oh what was the name of that one with three Bitches?"

'You man Charmed the one with Three witches?'

"Yeah that's the one. Any studio that let's three actresses be Executive producers at the same time is gonna cause problems."


MaimedJester t1_is3xap6 wrote

Well in the spirit of Halloween... Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcasts are a guaranteed hookup almost. Little late to the join the cast but if you need a Queer hookup Halloween... No place better than Rocky Horror midnight showing.

There's one tomorrow if you're interested doors at 11 PM.