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TheRealZllim t1_ir3gitq wrote

Well, rumor has it he was playing with vibrating anal beads, yes you read that right, that would vibrate, in his butt, through input from another party who was playing his exact moves against a computer and signaling the computer players moves to Mr. Anal Beads.


TheOkGazoo t1_ir3nt91 wrote

That rumor started from a joke someone made in a twitch streamer's chat.


OathOfFeanor t1_ir5lpk2 wrote

And yet it is just as proven as any of the other accusations (no proof of any of this, just a statistical anomaly that suggests it)


jorge1209 t1_ir3ids2 wrote

That is the most salacious (and therefore most popular) version of the rumor, but the original version I heard was something in a shoe or a pocket or something.

It could very well have been a sex toy in a shoe or pocket, as those are readily available cheap haptic devices designed for some amount of discretion, but there is no particular reason why it would have to be worn up ones butt. They don't exactly perform strip searches on chess players before competitions.


wooodaben t1_ir3xtli wrote

I don’t know why the downvotes. Some people just can’t handle the truth