Submitted by rookie-mistake t3_yp0ilg in sports
paulfromatlanta t1_ivgszyr wrote
Given his "alternative view" of viruses and vaccinations, it was probably horse de-wormer...
wmurch4 t1_ivguezu wrote
Idk but he's done this before and it is weird. I want to think it's just a concoction he doesn't want others to steal?
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is super into his nutrition so it's hard to imagine it's anything illegal. What would that even be? Amphetamines?
[deleted] t1_ivgvyxj wrote
xGothboiGuccix t1_ivgwmot wrote
yeah i mean its been done in other sports too, usually pickle juice
rookie-mistake OP t1_ivgzuyz wrote
luckily our man on the ground got a closeup
iminlovewiththec0c0 t1_ivh2e15 wrote
If it’s pickle juice why hide it
not_a_droid t1_ivh3ihr wrote
just needed a popper
halfofftheprice t1_ivh40yd wrote
Did he poop his pants afterwards?
PepperonisPizza t1_ivh4pz1 wrote
Did he land the Fight Milk sponsor ?
therealestyeti t1_ivh5mon wrote
I know you're joking, but I just did some digging around online and I found the real recipe for Novak's special beverage. Here it is.
Technical_Volume7016 t1_ivh6cwl wrote
I hate both of you
drmcsinister t1_ivh6g5q wrote
therealestyeti t1_ivh6j5x wrote
burros_n_churros t1_ivh77pf wrote
Dude is huffing pickle juice?
Available-Camera8691 t1_ivh82sw wrote
Cheating and losing is still cheating. If that were the case, I obviously have no idea.
Also: "The video was taken during Djokovic’s win over Stefanos Tsitsipas and appears to show the Serbian’s entourage mixing a drink before realising they are being filmed."
He did not lose during this.
SmoochieMcGucci t1_ivh8o5h wrote
Plot twist: it is COVID vaccine.
CRoseCrizzle t1_ivh8xjw wrote
I agree with the idea that cheating and losing is still cheating. However, I would also say that it's only cheating if it actually gives you an unfair advantage.
Edit: Any of the downvoters care to explain to me how I'm wrong? Also the comment I responded to edited to change the content of his post after I replied.
Joseluki t1_ivh94ko wrote
Magic Koolaid from a magic anti vaxxer shaman, it is so forbidden they hide from the anti drug agency, or so he is told because he is a moron with the education level of a toddler.
voidsherpa t1_ivh9diy wrote
Isn’t djokavic the POS that’ll go down in history as going to a presser after a positive covid test?
billskelton t1_ivh9qfs wrote
Nah he's going to go down in history as one of the greatest tennis players of all time.
skiwalker20 t1_ivh9zbr wrote
its the COVID vaccine
[deleted] t1_ivh9ztm wrote
Available-Camera8691 t1_ivha7bv wrote
I would imagine if you're cheating, it's supposed to give you an unfair advantage.
I could cheat in a sport and lose my ass off, but taking something against the rules wouldn't change the fact I broke the rules.
Zwooba_Zwooba t1_ivhahvz wrote
And also as one of the most disliked players
[deleted] t1_ivhangl wrote
Schaftenheimen t1_ivhbb0u wrote
I'm honestly just surprised that neither of those were manningface.
billskelton t1_ivhcojw wrote
In time that will be forgotten but his accomplishments on court will remain.
[deleted] t1_ivhf220 wrote
JC893 t1_ivhfbjk wrote
No, people care about this because his team was acting sketchy providing him with a drink that may or may not have performance enhancing substances and he’s one of the top athletes in his sport. You seem to care more about his stance on the COVID vaccine, considering that’s immediately what you want to bring up.
DanEricsson t1_ivhfiuk wrote
It was actually a meet and greet with children.
PM_ME_OVERT_SIDEBOOB t1_ivhg1jq wrote
If it’s not something against the rules, why was he and his team so sketchy about it?
villagebrown t1_ivhg63c wrote
just the POS part
jiggamathing t1_ivhgbdu wrote
I mean… this is why they do the drug tests after the match. I dislike Djokovic but I don’t see the big deal here.
wmurch4 t1_ivhgjh0 wrote
It ain't pickle juice... You don't concoct pickle juice
ducks_09 t1_ivhhidg wrote
If it’s an illegal substance he will get caught. If not then he won’t. Plus they made this in front of everyone and handed it to someone to give to him. It’s sketchy but I can’t imagine they would do something illegal for everyone to see. Why is this such a big deal lol.
pidgerii t1_ivhhuo0 wrote
Ugh, that pun makes me bridle
gazorpaglop t1_ivhiq3i wrote
He got the drink from his bodyguard, so yes
[deleted] t1_ivhjika wrote
phixional t1_ivhjmj0 wrote
Pretty sure Lance Armstrong was pretty into nutrition too.
inSIDDious34 t1_ivhjyjt wrote
No way would they let this nerd represent Fight Milk! Nerds get nowhere in life bro! Nerds get smashed! Fight Milk is for bodyguards, by bodyguards…and Charlie.
[deleted] t1_ivhk4k8 wrote
RidgedLines t1_ivhl37z wrote
Na, just the old duster in a water bottle pick me up.
robdiqulous t1_ivhlyia wrote
And how does everyone know who John McEnroe is?
DistanceAlone6215 t1_ivhmalh wrote
Its an arms race.
Testing labs that have a paltry budget against an athelete with a hundred million dollars
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivhmikn wrote
I should delete this app before twitter
chappelld t1_ivhmkpy wrote
Someone does
ButtonholePhotophile t1_ivhmq25 wrote
It’s cocaine, diluted 10,000,000,000 times. With such potency, it’s amazing their hearts didn’t explode.
possiblynotanexpert t1_ivhmzlv wrote
I don’t why you would have clicked on either of them in the first place lol
poboy212 t1_ivhn4m1 wrote
Yes this is a guy who said he felt sick from rubbing slices of bread on his skin so realized he needed to stop eating gluten.
Northern23 t1_ivhne32 wrote
Karma and publicity
VagusNC t1_ivhnn7z wrote
It’s water with the memory of cocaine.
[deleted] t1_ivhnwsz wrote
[deleted] t1_ivho5cd wrote
sweglrd143 t1_ivho7dc wrote
No way, I think crowtein is a performance enhancer
hivaidsislethal t1_ivhofea wrote
He also said he's launching some sports drink line this past summer
[deleted] t1_ivhopn0 wrote
hivaidsislethal t1_ivhoxr3 wrote
SaltyShawarma t1_ivhoyuv wrote
Did you put the electrolyte powder in a water bottle, hold it up-right, and inhale it into your lungs? Because that is what the video showed.
ContrarianDouchebag t1_ivhqvs5 wrote
What up!?
[deleted] t1_ivhr8bm wrote
motownmods t1_ivhrx4h wrote
It's Michaels magical stuff
Sweetgirl_j t1_ivhs8kk wrote
Again, nothing sexual.
dratsablive t1_ivhshx6 wrote
I remember watching this fight live and saying to my roommates during the round break about the "Mix I made." that the corner man asks for.
ChanceBlender t1_ivhsnus wrote
Don’t be silly, Djokovic is a way bigger cunt than McEnroe.
[deleted] t1_ivht4gh wrote
TencilCatButt t1_ivhtyyk wrote
As a former pro athlete. You would be very surprised
[deleted] t1_ivhu14f wrote
eternalbuzz t1_ivhu2zn wrote
It’s got what plants crave
OneTrueDweet t1_ivhu803 wrote
Is it some of that fresh-squeezed adrenochrime I’ve been hearing about?
JohnHwagi t1_ivhups3 wrote
Yeah, there are tons of recreational drugs that aren’t technically illegal but are analogues of popular drugs. Steroids are the same.
[deleted] t1_ivhv80e wrote
Dogstarman1974 t1_ivhw6re wrote
Dude is drinking a truly during the match to calm the nerves.
ScruffyMo_onkey t1_ivhwbpu wrote
Is it something as dumb as an O2 hit ? Some tablets in water that creates O2 to help recovery between sets ?
Boredom_land t1_ivhwi3p wrote
hivaidsislethal t1_ivhwlve wrote
That's two different occasions
MidniteOwl t1_ivhwrlj wrote
Maybe performance enhancing … traditional Chinese medicine of tiger penis and bear testicles.
InGoodFaith2 t1_ivhya0s wrote
It’s November 2022.
InGoodFaith2 t1_ivhyeva wrote
It’s November 2022.
Furious_Mr_Bitter t1_ivhyfa7 wrote
I can practically see that veiny bicep now
Kelbsnotawesome t1_ivhyhb6 wrote
Oh no! Children!? You mean the demographic that’s least likely to die of COVID?! If only he got the vaccination that has little effect on transmissibility and really only helps the person who takes it.
freddyadopojc t1_ivhzt8u wrote
klaxhax t1_ivhzzlo wrote
Ban him for life.
MrBwnrrific t1_ivi1gqb wrote
Cocaine flavored LaCroix
StoneColdSteveAss316 t1_ivi1vdg wrote
Ah yes only the finest of penises
Admirable_Quarter_23 t1_ivi23n4 wrote
And he thinks that positive thoughts can clean contaminated water ☠️
miggsd28 t1_ivi2ftr wrote
Except w hormones smaller differences make bigger deals than with psychoactive drugs. And that’s saying something cause meth and adderall are one CH3 away from being the same. I study this type of stuff (drugs and effect on body or neuropsychopharmacology if you want to be fancy).
If y’all want more info look up balco by American scandal. It’s a top tier podcast about how peds are actually still supper common
[deleted] t1_ivi3d4o wrote
SCP-Agent-Arad t1_ivi4byl wrote
Most athletes are into nutrition. There’s a pretty big overlap of “People willing to try crazy diets to stay fit” and “people willing to try a little bit more.”
Thugluvdoc t1_ivi6oek wrote
He had the ball to do it tho
up_down_underwater t1_ivi7gtm wrote
Three Penis Wine anyone?
sishgupta t1_ivi7wqb wrote
You should Google this guy named Lance Armstrong. You may not have heard of him.
unequivocali t1_iviapze wrote
This is why he’ll never be on the level of Nadal Federer no matter how many championships he wins - no class no humility no scruples
PsychologicalLeg9302 t1_ivic8rw wrote
billskelton t1_ivicrr5 wrote
I've never heard of him until now. Just googled him, has a very impressive tennis record. What's he known for?
robdiqulous t1_ivid3yc wrote
He was good yeah, not great, but he is known for getting extremely angry.
[deleted] t1_ivid7tc wrote
jimmyxs t1_ivid9qu wrote
You clowns. Now no one would believe the actual close up exists on the Guardian
[deleted] t1_ivie9qc wrote
travnastproductions t1_iviepg8 wrote
AbnoxiousRhinocerous t1_ivigts0 wrote
He’s drinking Michael Jordan’s “secret stuff.” Cartoon bunny tested, pro tennis player approved!
HighSierraGuy t1_ivih9vw wrote
So, homeopathic cocaine?
[deleted] t1_ivikyl6 wrote
GherkinEnthusiast t1_ivinboz wrote
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivio64h wrote
My work isn't done I'm on a Reddit bender and the main subs take the best bait
89ShelbyCSX t1_iviomo5 wrote
I'm not sure I'm seeing the parallel there. Lance was blood doping and taking testosterone, I don't think he's drinking back his own blood or taking drinkable mid competition testosterone. And that was in a sport rampant with drug use. Plus Lance got caught lol
DreadSeverin t1_iviu3ie wrote
It's a vaccine!
Welshguy78 t1_iviuwhc wrote
I remember last year at Wimbledon, he was losing in the semi final badly to that British guy. He disappeared to the changing rooms for a 'toilet break' and came back on court a different player. He then went on to comfortably beat the British guy. Remember at the time thinking how dodgy that was and wondering what the hell he did in the changing room?
No-Manager-7341 t1_ivj2m7e wrote
That’s not really true though is it? Not everyone using an illegal PED gets caught
ducks_09 t1_ivj5olc wrote
Not the same thing lol
truethatson t1_ivj6g4r wrote
I drink it every morning so I can fight like a crow!
sum_dude44 t1_ivjdaha wrote
Drake mixed it for him
phixionalbear t1_ivje8o2 wrote
I hate to break this to you but all top Tennis players are on performance enhancing drugs.
phixionalbear t1_ivjeebu wrote
Nobody with as much money as these guys have get caught unless they do something really stupid.
phixionalbear t1_ivjekb9 wrote
Ah yes those infallible drug tests.
cboogie t1_ivjexfu wrote
It’s the juice inside a magic 8 ball
hivaidsislethal t1_ivjhdx5 wrote
This is a very common tactic at the top of the game now and most players do it to regain composure with the added benefit that it breaks momentum. Nadal, Fed, Djokovic all have done it and now the next gen too. It's become accepted and not really controversial anymore. It's a mental thing not a physical thing. It's also no shock an at the time a 6 time Wimbledon champ came back to beat a first time grand slam semifinalist with 0 career grass titles. He literally came back in the quarterfinals from 2-0 down and in the final from 1-0 down. He's not to frazzled about losing a set.
[deleted] t1_ivjro3u wrote
Raoulhubris1 t1_ivjsbn2 wrote
Dopers gonna dope.
[deleted] t1_ivjv1z0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivjv643 wrote
monkeytank t1_ivjxhjd wrote
Weird that the post that made the top of r/all disappeared
DragoonXNucleon t1_ivk033e wrote
This story is dumb. The guy mixed the drink, in the stands, in the public crowd and then handed it to him, again, in full view of thousands.
There wasn't a damn thing "secret" about this. Its like if I went to starbucks and ordered a coffee and the media was like "ooohhh DragoonXNucleon ordered a secret peformance enhancing drink from his voodoo doctor!"
scary_truth t1_ivk2asz wrote
I often envy all the free time people like you seem to have, but that’s about the only thing I envy. I don’t care what you do but personally I think what you are doing is an attention seeking waste of time.
DFWPunk t1_ivk2bk8 wrote
Supposedly Albuterol, which expands lung capacity.
dratsablive t1_ivk2udy wrote
Aaron Pryor tested positive for Cocaine some time after the fight.
BillyMackk t1_ivk3a59 wrote
Forbidden Brawndo
DFWPunk t1_ivk4vwt wrote
You can have an "unfair advantage" and still lose.
CRoseCrizzle t1_ivk58ro wrote
Yes I agree. I never said you couldn't...
ilritorno t1_ivk8ivm wrote
This is most likely nothing. Players are not glowing during tournaments, they micro-dose during training, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it not to test positive. Whoever thinks that a "secret drink" during a match is how you dope, doesn't understand what a doping program is. But are we supposed to care anyway with the joke that tennis antidoping is? When is the last time they caught anyone relevant? How many more miraculous diets articles are we supposed to read with a straight face? Or how many more ghost injuries with players disappearing from the tour?
zaphod_85 t1_ivk8jqq wrote
He's mainly known for being a huge asshole
[deleted] t1_ivkcwcs wrote
[deleted] t1_ivkd48b wrote
thissexypoptart t1_ivkg3k4 wrote
Spreading a potentially fatal/long term damaging respiratory virus to children, who may or may not suffer symptoms but assuredly will spread it to the adults in their lives if infected, is actually a dick move.
Kelbsnotawesome t1_ivkh0ck wrote
Then we should all probably never interact with anyone face-to-face ever again without taking COVID tests daily, because asymptomatic people could be doing that everyday.
Also if the kids are vaccinated why does it matter? If you don’t think the vaccine will prevent kids from being impacted with COVID, then do you not believe in vaccines?
samxyx t1_ivkif52 wrote
I did read an article about some players who do eat the powder raw, without dissolving it in fluid. Idk why they do that. Perhaps it gets absorbed quicker? That would be my guess
ionyx t1_ivkiqr3 wrote
No one cares, Kelbs.
[deleted] t1_ivkkxyr wrote
IamSkywalking t1_ivkmvft wrote
It isn’t out of the realm of possibility that he is drinking fast acting test.
In general I do agree though - this isn’t really part of how people would dope
Regardless, there is 0 part of me that believes Novak is clean. A tremendous champion who spit on the covid policies, lied and hid his actions? Of course he’s a drug cheat.
As most are...
ilritorno t1_ivkqi32 wrote
If I had to give a ballpark figure for fun, I'd guess that 60-70% of professional athletes dope.
There was an anonymous test, I think it was done a while ago by the Athletics federation. 40% admitted to taking some banned substances in the last year or something like that. We can assume that it's an even higher threshold given the incentives and how cutthroat is the competition between elite athletes.
Edit: lol it was actually 57%
ctownthrasher t1_ivku88y wrote
Shhhh that’s not as funny. We’re on social media we don’t need the truth
thissexypoptart t1_ivkujst wrote
Are you stuck in a time loop in 2020 or something? Most people these days interact with each other normally, face to face, no masks. Thanks entirely to public health measures and the vaccines (and people who got them).
It’s a bit ridiculous to be so bitter about it in 2022 still lmao. And your goalposts are all over the place. We’re talking about going to a crowded event while knowingly Covid positive. To think that’s okay is either narcissism, science denial, or both.
These dipshits just want to stay mad even after the proven efficacy of vaccines and mask wearing ended the need for the things they’re mad about. Strange way to live.
ViewAskewed t1_ivkykvu wrote
"main subs"? This sub gets like 15 posts a day.
Thefdt t1_ivl4q6h wrote
I mean clearly asking your buddy to move his body position to block the camera IS a little odd. If they’re just mixing a drink a) why’s it not in his bag b) why you making it in your bag all bent over like you’re about to huff a line whilst your mates look out for the bouncer
Thefdt t1_ivl4yth wrote
A desire to win no matter the odds is quite a common trait too, which is why a load of them end up on peds when they hit their natural ceiling
Thefdt t1_ivl60po wrote
Children can still get sick from it, in a time when people weee doing everything possible to contain it and he’s jetting about the place with a hell of a lot more freedom than the average joe. the arrogance to go to that meet and greet whilst infected is truly staggering.
OGkittenmittens t1_ivl62r8 wrote
Watch your profits soar high as a crow!
Jackamalio626 t1_ivl981z wrote
its "the stuff" from space jam
getyerhandoffit t1_ivl9xvc wrote
It’s ivermectin.
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivlibyk wrote
The rest get blocked because they aren't mod approved
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivliihx wrote
I enter on occasion, see how people have put themselves upon pedestals in responses to me, make fun of them more, then leave
PM_ME_CHIPOTLE2 t1_ivlktyo wrote
Lol ironically djokovic didn’t care enough about winning while at his physical peak to just get a COVID vaccine.
Thefdt t1_ivll5r5 wrote
His views were misguided but that was precisely why he didn’t get a covid vaccine. I’m not saying he’s on peds by the way, but the whole sports nutrition / tue shit in a lot of sports is a murky Grey area.
[deleted] t1_ivlo1j9 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivlobo1 wrote
sishgupta t1_ivm9ct9 wrote
>Plus Lance got caught lol
That actually was the point i was trying to make. Op says "if its an illegal substance he will be caught" but lance was not caught for many years.
sishgupta t1_ivma2hf wrote
> If it’s an illegal substance he will get caught.
It's mostly a reply to this, where the guy DIDN'T get caught for years.
doc_1eye t1_ivmkk31 wrote
Lance never got caught. He admitted it later, but the man passed all of his tests with flying colors.
[deleted] t1_ivnhasi wrote
No-Manager-7341 t1_ivnj65o wrote
Yeah exactly. They have actual doctors who know the regulations administering them.
Capt_Easychord t1_ivp4k1t wrote
It's a popular Serbian energy drink made of Bosniak's and Kosovar's blood, with a little bit of Russian sperm
bravetailor t1_ivvlm6i wrote
Especially when money is involved and your sponsors are counting on you to perform for them to continue to make money off you (and vice versa). They don't really care if you cheat, either. They just don't want you to get caught.
I'm fairly sure a good majority of professional athletes have done or is doing something. Even if you take out the money and cheating reasoning, the schedule for most sports is brutal and using PEDs just to keep your body together is a thing. The french cyclist Jacques Anquetil said it best: "You'd have to be an imbecile or hypocrite to imagine that a professional cyclist who rides 235 days a year can hold himself together without stimulants"
You can also apply that to basketball, tennis, baseball, hockey, etc etc. We look at their 82 and 162 game schedules and sort of accept it as normal, but then when you think about it--playing all those games over the course of essentially 6 months is physically insane.
[deleted] t1_ivy4q6d wrote
BullCityBruhs t1_iwhfonq wrote
That’s such a dumb take. This man has a lot of class. He might not be the smartest when it comes to health issues, like many other athletes, but the extreme hate, coming from people that don’t even watch him, is just mind blowing
unequivocali t1_iwkh5i5 wrote
He been doping for years
Unusual-Syllabub t1_iwptq1j wrote
Lmao the hate boner on this sub for Djokovic is hilarious
Ok_Balance_6352 t1_ixgwk44 wrote
What’s the point of taking it mid-game and not before in private?
CRoseCrizzle t1_ivgrf40 wrote
I doubt it's important whatever was in that drink. He did lose the match fwiw.
Edit: I thought it was during the most recent Rune match but was mistaken. It was during another match that Djokovic won.